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produce Meaning in Bengali

 উৎপাদন করা, সম্মুখে হাজির করা, প্রকাশ করা


ফলন, কৃষিজাত দ্রব্য, আয়, উত্পত্তি, ফল,


ঘটান, বানান, জন্মদান দেত্তয়া, সঁজাত করা, তৈয়ারি করা, সৃষ্টি করা, জন্মদান করা, বাড়াইয়া দেত্তয়া, প্রসারিত করা, প্রকাশ করা, বাহির করিয়া আনা, সম্মুখে আনা, উত্পাদন করা,

produce's Usage Examples:

The type of gametes produced by an organism defines its sex.

Commonly in plants and animals, male organisms produce smaller gametes (spermatozoa.

percussion instruments, which produce notes with an identifiable pitch, and unpitched percussion instruments, which produce notes or sounds in an indefinite.

cell) with a single set of chromosomes (haploid) combines with another to produce an organism composed of cells with two sets of chromosomes (diploid).

Sugarcane accounts for 79% of sugar produced globally (most of the rest is made from sugar beets).

About 70% of the sugar produced comes from Saccharum officinarum.

instruments and other wind instruments is the way in which they produce sound.

All woodwinds produce sound by splitting the air blown into them on a sharp edge.

Dairy products or milk products are a type of food produced from or containing the milk of mammals, most commonly cattle, water buffaloes, goats, sheep.

monetary measure of the market value of all the final goods and services produced in a specific time period.

The flowers of flowering plants produce pollen and egg cells, but the sex organs themselves are inside the gametophytes.

produce two morphologically distinct types of gametes, and in which each individual produces only one type, a female is any individual that produces the.

usage, "fruit" normally means the fleshy seed-associated structures (or produce) of plants that typically are sweet or sour and edible in the raw state.

Alternatively, temporal coherence can be used to produce ultrashort pulses of light with a broad spectrum but durations as short.

volume produce sold with low margins.

In the gentrified market, the focus is on specialty produce, notably organic foods, hyper-local produce, artisanal.

and produce; they remain parev if they are not mixed with or processed using equipment that is used for any meat or dairy products.

While any produce that.

Female (symbol: ♀) is the sex of an organism that produces non-mobile ova (egg cells), which is the gamete that fuses with the male gamete during sexual.

Vinegar is mostly dilute acetic acid, often produced by fermentation and subsequent oxidation of ethanol.

The first is to produce seeds that are eaten by humans, known commonly as poppy seed.

The second is to produce opium for use mainly by the.

It is possible to produce monoclonal antibodies that specifically bind to virtually any suitable.

Besides natural ivory, ivory can also be produced synthetically, hence (unlike natural ivory) not requiring the retrieval.

indirectly produce weight, any g-force can be described as a "weight per unit mass" (see the synonym specific weight).

When the g-force is produced by the.


give birth; make; create; bring forth; manufacture; crank out; sporulate; birth; have; bear; deliver; grind out;


refrain; order; turn in; go to bed; switch on;

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