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profanely Meaning in Bengali

profanely's Usage Examples:

those with particularly explicit conversations are loudly shamed and profanely ridiculed.

The Act provided that any person who profanely swore or cursed in the presence of a justice of the peace, or a town mayor.

In September 2002, Lawless profanely berated a Lower Providence Township police officer, the That November.

English Parliament, and introduced fines for plays which 'jestingly or profanely' used the names of God or Jesus.

new and devilish sort of place where Futurists cavorted: a 'night club' profanely named 'The Cave of the Golden Calf'.

Winters had allegedly profanely insulted Bradley prior to the altercation in which Bradley tore his ACL.

This behavior often involved climbing on boards to profanely berate officials and his players.

unintentionally angers Creed by doing a cartwheel in the middle of the office, profanely yelling at her.

After Bird refuses to cooperate and profanely insults the interrogators, he is beaten by Daniels, Landsman, and Greggs.

of their own of emphasizing the Savior's name when they were using it profanely".

Assembly have assumed to themselves higher power than the Parliament-by some profanely styled omnipotent-that wise, that august body, never enacting any laws.

Salmoneus] acted profanely, by casting torches (in the air) as if they were lightnings, And dragging.

of their own of emphasizing the Savior’s name when they were using it profanely, and this fact intruded itself into Wales’s incorrigible mind.

kings, It is nothing of your concern who will live religiously, or who profanely? It cannot even be said to them, that it is not their concern who will.

"Liberal commentator profanely attacks Rep.

In November 2019, Harpootlian was criticized for profanely threatening to have an aide of the Richland County Legislation Delegation.

the Cathedral "with a pot of water, tar, and other filthy things, most profanely defiled the hangings at the altar of the cathedral, and said they had.

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