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pruned Meaning in Bengali



pruned শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

cyanocephala ন্যূনতম বিপদগ্রস্ত ন্যূনতম বিপদগ্রস্ত বিরল, আবাসিক ঢা, খু আলুবোখারা-মাথা নামেও পরিচিত ।

আলুবোখারা হলো শুকনা পাম ফল ।

বলতে সাধারণত বোঝানো হয় এমন কেক যা সাধারণত শুকনো (যেমন আঙুর, কিশমিশ অথবা আলুবোখারা) বা সতেজ ফল দিয়ে বানানো হয় ।

চিনিগুড়া চাল ইত্যাদি) ভেজে তাতে এই কষানো মাংস আলু, গাজর, মটরশুঁটি, আলুবোখারা, কাঁচামরিচ দিয়ে নেড়ে-চেড়ে পরিমাণমতো গরম পানি দিয়ে চাল আধাসেদ্ধ করে ।

যদিও পরের খাদ্যটি একই ভাবে তৈরি, তবে সেটা তৈরি হয় ফল দিয়ে, বিশেষ করে আলুবোখারা এবং খেজুর দিয়ে ।

নারকেল ক্র্যানবেরি শসা আঙ্গুর জাম্বুরা লেবুর রসের শরবত কমলা আনারস ডালিম আলুবোখারা রাস্পবেরি টমেটো ননি শাকসবজি জুস গাজর শালগম হলুদ শাকসবজি জীব জুস ঝিনুক ।

পরিবেশনের উপর নির্ভর শুকনো ফল যেমন শুকনো হিসাবে আলুবোখারা, এপ্রিকট এবং কিশমিশ দেওয়া হয় ।

pruned's Usage Examples:

A regular form of pruning where certain deciduous species are pruned back to pollard heads every year in the dormant period.

are pruned in the winter so systems that are described as "cane-trained" will be spur pruned while systems that are "spur-trained" will be cane-pruned.

livestock feed; they were pruned at intervals of two to six years so their leafy material would be most abundant.

Wood pollards were pruned at longer intervals.

cherries, plums, and gages—have different requirements, and should not be pruned in dormant months.

A tree that does not have any terminal nodes is called pruned.

variable analysis, making semi-pruned SSA form more efficient to compute than pruned SSA form.

On the other hand, semi-pruned SSA form will contain more Φ.

The borders of the plant beds may be formed with stone or tightly pruned hedging, and their interiors may be planted with flowers or other plants.

It should be pruned of many genera which would go to the superfamily Seguenzioidea according.

"Zen garden", is a special kind of rock garden with water features, moss, pruned trees and bushes, and very few plants.

of salt-pruned Quercus stellata are observable in Flax Marsh.

In San Diego County, California, a colony of Pinus torreyana has been salt-pruned by spray.

equivalent over Z F {\displaystyle {\mathsf {ZF}}} to the statement that every pruned tree with ω {\displaystyle \omega } levels has a branch (proof below).

The branches of the tree hit by the arrow were pruned, the settlements were separated and the village was renamed Yukarıyeniköy.

used to flavour food and drinks, and petitgrain oil is extracted from the pruned leaves.

climates and is somewhat slow to rebloom, especially if not drastically pruned after the first flush.

It can be pruned into a shrub form.

If not pruned it can sprawl to a height of 20 feet.

The characteristic asymmetry of an ice-pruned plant is achieved only if the prevailing winds during the snow season have.

Because pruned elm trees acted as vine supports, this was taken as a symbol of marriage.

Finally, the tree is pruned.

greater the beam width, the fewer states are pruned.

With an infinite beam width, no states are pruned and beam search is identical to breadth-first.

These vines will be pruned either into a cane which will support 8 to 15 buds or to a smaller spur.


dried fruit;


detach; lengthen;

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