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purser Meaning in Bengali

 জাহাজের ক্যাবিন খাদ্যভাণ্ডার প্রভৃতিতে তত্ত্বাবধায়ক কর্মচারী,


জাহাজের ক্যাবিন খাদ্যভাণ্ডার প্রভৃতিতে তত্ত্বাবধায়ক কর্মচারী,

purser's Usage Examples:

ship's purser (also pusser) is the person on a ship principally responsible for the handling of money on board.

On modern merchant ships, the purser is the.

The term purser and chief steward are often used interchangeably describing personnel with.

Ashoka Chakra (7 September 1963 – 5 September 1986) was an Indian head purser who died while saving passengers on Pan Am Flight 73 which had been hijacked.


ship"s officer; officer;



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