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puts Meaning in Bengali

 ঠেলা, নিক্ষেপ, সবলে ঢুকাইয়া দেত্তয়া, ধাক্কা, নিক্ষেপণ,


ন্যস্ত করা, প্রবাহিত হত্তয়া, যাত্রা করা, আপন পথ করিয়া লত্তয়া, অগ্রসর হত্তয়া, ভারার্পণ করা, উপস্থাপিত করা, প্রকাশ করা, পরিবর্তিত করা, পরিণত করা, বশবর্তী করান, অধীন করান, নির্ধারিত করা, সবলে ঢুকাইয়া দেত্তয়া, সম্বদ্ধ করা, সংশ্লিষ্ট করা, সংলগ্ন করা, আঁটিয়া দেত্তয়া, উদ্দীপ্ত করা, জমা দেত্তয়া, পরিবহন করা, প্রেরণা দেত্তয়া, চালান, ধাক্কা দেত্তয়া, ঠেলা দেত্তয়া, নেত্তয়া, আবদ্ধ করা, স্থাপন করা,

puts's Usage Examples:

Scotsman puts sugar on his porridge.

" Person B: "But my uncle Angus is a Scotsman and he puts sugar on his porridge.

" Person A: "But no true Scotsman puts sugar.

" In London, puts and "refusals" (calls) first became well-known trading instruments in the.

chomp puts "Hello #{name}.

" Conversions: puts 'Give me a number' number = gets.

chomp puts number.

to_i + 1 puts output_number.

Johnny Castle's line, "Nobody puts Baby in a corner", has been used in song lyrics, as the title of the "Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner" episode of the.

putchar putwchar Writes a byte/wchar_t to stdout puts N/A Writes a byte string to stdout ungetc ungetwc Puts a byte/wchar_t back into a file stream Formatted.

900 or higher in Major League Baseball puts the player in the upper echelon of hitters.

The People's Republic of China puts its war dead at 20 million, while the Japanese government puts its casualties due to the war at 3.

The size of a turret is therefore limited, since it puts additional stresses on the structure of the building.

speakers is hard to determine due to sociolinguistic issues but Ethnologue puts the number of speakers at 30,000 in the UK, 6,000 in Ireland, and 50,000.

In the protective put strategy, the investor buys enough puts to cover their holdings of the underlying so that if the price of the underlying.

puts distance between the attacker and the opponent, which is a safer combat option since the close physical contact during melee fights often puts the.

They can be created with either all calls or all puts.

Put–call parity implies: Equivalence of calls and puts: Parity implies that a call and a put can be used interchangeably in any.

By comparison, gonzo pornography puts the camera right into the action, often with one or more of the participants.

ball (thus becoming a runner) and getting to first base before a fielder puts him out.

The Sandman is a mythical character in European folklore who puts people to sleep and encourages and inspires beautiful dreams by sprinkling magical sand.

This design makes the plane lighter, with a lower centre of mass, and puts the handle closer to the workpiece and cutting edge – giving the user greater.

A 1994 figure of SIL puts the total number of speakers at 264,000, while the only little more recent.


superimpose; coffin; clap; introduce; repose; set down; load; space; tee up; butt; lay over; fix; place upright; insert; bucket; imbricate; pose; rest; instal; sit down; settle; ship; put down; recess; emplace; enclose; underlay; situate; place; juxtapose; pigeonhole; nestle; throw; rack up; lean; prepose; settle down; mislay; stand up; jar; siphon; move; trench; ground; ladle; sow; appose; displace; poise; place down; glycerolize; pillow; seed; pile; tee; parallelize; deposit; park; bottle; stand; install; thrust; seat; ensconce; sit; middle; step; stratify; docket; cram; arrange; position; shelve; barrel; recline; put back; set up; cock; glycerolise; posit; upend; plant; stick in; dispose; marshal; misplace; sign; intersperse; superpose; replace; reposition; perch; set; inclose; lose; postpose; lay; put in; snuggle; bed;


unsettled; moving; ascend; disarrange; deglycerolize;

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