quadrangles Meaning in Bengali
চতুর্ভুজ ক্ষেত্র, চতুষ্ক, অট্টালিকার পরিবেষ্টিত প্রাঙ্গন, চতুর্ভুজ সমতল ক্ষেত্র,
চতুর্ভুজ সমতল ক্ষেত্র, অট্টালিকার পরিবেষ্টিত প্রাঙ্গন, চতুষ্ক, চতুর্ভুজ ক্ষেত্র,
Similer Words:
quadrangles শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:
দৈনিক ইত্তেফাকে প্রকাশিত নিবন্ধ-রূপলাল হাউজ অবৈধ দখলে জর্জরিত একসময়কার অভিজাত চতুষ্ক বাড়ি রূপলাল হাউস trip zone বাংলাপিডিয়ায় রূপলাল হাউজ ।
অবৈধ দখলে জর্জরিত এক সময়কার অভিজাত চতুষ্ক বাড়ি রূপলাল হাউজ[স্থায়ীভাবে অকার্যকর সংযোগ] মুনতাসীর মামুন, "ঢাকা: স্মৃতি ।
অনিমেষ চতুষ্ক হল খ্যাতনামা সাহিত্যিক সমরেশ মজুমদার রচিত চারটি উপন্যাসের সমষ্টি ।
caltrop" (also called "water chestnut"), এবং অত:পর "রম্বস"(অসমকোণ সমবাহু চতুর্ভুজ ক্ষেত্র), যেটি কোম্পানিটির লোগোতে পরিলক্ষিত হয় ।
quadrangles's Usage Examples:
The surface of Mars has been divided into thirty cartographic quadrangles by the United States Geological Survey.
divided into fifteen quadrangles, designated H-1 to H-15 (the 'H' stands for Hermes, the Greek equivalent of Mercury).
The quadrangles are named for prominent.
university campus architecture, but quadrangles are also found in other buildings such as palaces.
Most quadrangles are open-air, though a few have been.
The Raditladi quadrangle (H-4) is one of fifteen quadrangles on Mercury.
The Hokusai quadrangle (H-5) is one of fifteen quadrangles on the planet Mercury.
The Debussy quadrangle (H-14) is one of fifteen quadrangles on Mercury.
The Eminescu quadrangle (H-9) is one of fifteen quadrangles on Mercury.
The Derain quadrangle (H-10) is one of fifteen quadrangles on Mercury.
The Neruda quadrangle (H-13) is one of fifteen quadrangles on Mercury.
been divided into quadrangles by the USGS.
Martian quadrangles are also named after local features.
GEOREF quadrangle List of quadrangles on Mercury List.
into 30 quadrangles by the United States Geological Survey at the 1:2,500,000 map scale.
At the 1:1,000,000 scale it's divided into 144 quadrangles.
HiRISE HiWish program Hydrothermal circulation Impact crater List of quadrangles on Mars List of craters on Mars Ore resources on Mars Vallis Water on.
Io has been divided into 15 quadrangles.
Sirenum Fossae is a long trough in several quadrangles including Memnonia quadrangle and Phaethontis quadrangle of Mars, centered at 35.
canyon system of the Coprates quadrangle and the Margaritifer Sinus quadrangles of the planet Mars.
GEOREF divides the Earth's surface into successively smaller quadrangles, with a notation system used to identify each quadrangle within its parent.
abbreviations for USGS map quadrangles in place of the county code.
Arizona uses a five-part identifier based on USGS maps, specifying quadrangles, then rectangles.
Mars Groundwater on Mars HiRISE Huygens (crater) Impact crater List of quadrangles on Mars Martian Craters Martian Gullies Valley networks (Mars) Water.
into 8 quadrangles at the 1:10,000,000 map scale, or 62 quadrangles at the 1:5,000,000 map scale.
List of quadrangles on Mercury List of quadrangles on the.
quad; area;
unilateral; convex polygon; concave polygon;