quaffing Meaning in Bengali
বড় বড় চুমুকে পান করা, ঢক্ ঢক্ করিয়া পান করা,
ঢক্ ঢক্ করিয়া পান করা, বড় বড় চুমুকে পান করা,
Similer Words:
quaffing's Usage Examples:
In Umbria it is made into a light quaffing wine, while in Tuscany it is made into a bigger, more structured style.
"The English are great boasters, but poor fighters; they are better at quaffing great tankards and guzzling.
girl and has been characterised as "Mercury's piano-led paean to a Moët-quaffing courtesan".
As Jack Morgan tells it, "We three were quaffing a slug, nibbling an hors d'oeuvre and shoving toward inventive genius".
Piquant French term for a simple, quaffing white wine with pleasing fruit structure and balance of acidity.
during his duel with her son and also his other cruel acts in war like quaffing Dussasana's blood.
new, ye lads and lasses! Fa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la! Laughing, quaffing all together, Fa, la, la, la, la, la, la, la! Heedless of the wind and.
Here it is made into the full range of styles, from easy-drinking quaffing wine and rosé to barrel-aged wine intended for cellaring.
stove enters the number, dancing for a bit, then refreshing itself by quaffing coals.
dressed like a latter-day Master of Fox Hounds, he frequented London's clubs quaffing magnums of champagne earning him the soubriquet "Conquistador of the Canape.
"is not a cup, but a cheesecake", an homage to the traditional victor's quaffing from a milk bottle at the Indianapolis 500.
that they would never meet again: "Yours will be the ineffable joy of quaffing the cup of martyrdom for His sake.
and focusing through each step distinguishes wine tasting from simple quaffing.
5% alcohol, mostly for local quaffing.
juicy fruit notes of cherry, plum and raspberry and can range from simple quaffing wines to those approaching the level of Chianti Classico.
Meanwhile, the stranger adopts Smith's name and goes off gambling and quaffing vast quantities of champagne in Monte Carlo, to the horror of an Englishwoman.
more the 20% of the Mosel wine production and is typically used for basic quaffing wine or sweet wine.
It is a basic level of everyday, mostly inexpensive quaffing wines.
draft; tipple; potation; draught;
rise; end; disbelieve; dishonor; abstain;