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quasilinear Meaning in Bengali

quasilinear's Usage Examples:

Consider a quasilinear PDE[1] of the form Suppose that a solution z is known, and consider the.

An algorithm is said to run in quasilinear time (also referred to as log-linear time) if T(n) = O(n logk n) for.

A function that is both quasiconvex and quasiconcave is quasilinear.

economics and consumer theory, quasilinear utility functions are linear in one argument, generally the numeraire.

metric cancel out, making the Euler–Lagrange equations second order quasilinear partial differential equations in the metric.

In classical mechanics, Euler's rotation equations are a vectorial quasilinear first-order ordinary differential equation describing the rotation of a.

the nonlinear good of consumers with quasilinear utilities does not depend on the income at all (in this quasilinear case, the demand for the linear good.

When F is quasilinear, the Monge cone degenerates to a single line called the Monge axis.

The buyers have different valuations to the items, and they have a quasilinear utility function; this means that the utility an agent gains from a bundle.

addition to his nuclear weapon and defence research, he wrote papers on the quasilinear theory of plasma turbulence, cosmic plasmas, gravitational spinors, laser-driven.

However, if the equation is quasilinear (linear in the highest order derivatives), then we can still obtain approximate.

In mathematics, the p-Laplacian, or the p-Laplace operator, is a quasilinear elliptic partial differential operator of 2nd order.

Solonnikov and her student Nina Ural’tseva, and the regularity of quasilinear elliptic equations.

In fluid dynamics, the Euler equations are a set of quasilinear hyperbolic equations governing adiabatic and inviscid flow.

of the theorem also holds more generally if T is only assumed to be a quasilinear operator in the following sense: there exists a constant C > 0 such that.

Burgers' equation is a conservation equation, more generally a first order quasilinear hyperbolic equation.

particular quasilinear utility or if budget balance is not required.

Consider a setting in which I {\displaystyle I} number of agents have quasilinear utility.

Therefore, the molecule is best described as quasilinear.

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