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quietened Meaning in Bengali

 শান্ত করা, শান্ত হত্তয়া, শান্তি দেত্তয়া,


শান্তি দেত্তয়া, শান্ত হত্তয়া, শান্ত করা,

quietened শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

মনকে শান্ত করা ৪ ।

ধরার সময় বিপজ্জনক ভালুকগুলিকে শান্ত করা হয় এবং ঘাড়ে একটি উজ্জ্বল রং দিয়ে চিহ্নিত করা হয় ।

তাঁর বহু অলৌকিক ঘটনা যেমন পানির উপর হাঁটাচলা, ঝড়কে শান্ত করা, শিষ্যদের এবং মাছের আশ্চর্যজনকভাবে ধরা, এবং পাঁচ হাজার লোককে ( তাবঘায় ।

এপ্রিল ১৯১৯ নাগাদ, আমানুল্লাহ বুঝতে পারেন যে রক্ষনশীলদের শান্ত করা না গেলে তিনি ক্ষমতায় টিকতে পারবেন না ।

মুক্তিপণ দেওয়া হয় এবং এই অঞ্চল বল প্রয়োগের চেয়ে কূটনীতির মাধ্যমে বেশি শান্ত করা হয় ।

এর মূল লক্ষ্য হলো মনকে শান্ত করা এবং একাগ্রতা স্থাপন করা ।

চালচলন, জাঁকজমক ঠাণ্ডা কথা মিষ্টিমিষ্টি কথা ঠাণ্ডা করা/হওয়া জুড়ানো, শান্ত করা ঠাণ্ডা লড়াই চাপা রেষারেষি; মনস্তাত্ত্বিক যুদ্ধ ঠাণ্ডা লাগা শৈতাক্রান্ত ।

quietened's Usage Examples:

and only allowed his wounds to be roughly dressed when the attack had quietened down.

at the last moment due to the illness of Bob Brissenden), as the crowd quietened down John Forbes yelled out ‘Cultural Lackey!’.

It is not known whether the offer was renewed once things had quietened down.

Opening the third quarter Collingwood, playing briskly in a game which had quietened down greatly, were some time getting position.

only when then Chief Minister Jyoti Basu intervened that the warring duo quietened down and Safwi withdrew his application for VRS(Voluntary Retirement)).

big hit at the jumble sale, if only the rude noises it makes could be quietened down! Meanwhile, Clegg, Truly and Billy seek to help Barry improve his.

unrest, cannot be quietened then the mind should be filled with the awareness of Brahman, the highest.

which he lied to the nation that there was no possibility of a reform and quietened down the inhabitants.

com/2009/08/15/guest-blog-aftertaste-domain-tasting-era-quietened-whisper/ Domain Name Marketplace Workshop – Global policy forum held to.

In Raja Yoga or Yoga of Patanjali, when the mind is quietened through the Yamas, Niyamas, Asanas and Pranayama, the important state.

wounded man and the Lewis gun which he kept in action until things had quietened down.

Returning to Verviers when matters had quietened down, she became closely associate with William Cockerill, who produced.

5, states: "In the section on 'being quietened' (patipassaddha), the four immaterial absorptions (arupajjhana) are not.

south easterly, force 2 and there was a slight swell after things had quietened down.

Submarines to be used for test and development, and to be quietened by engineers using the data from the Hayes, would pass submerged through.

In Gaudapada-Karika, chapter III, verses 46-48, he states that the quietened mind becomes one with Brahman and does not perceive of any origination:.

Since then the situation on this remote border quietened considerably.

Things quietened during the 70s and 80s however, due to changes in musical taste.

slayer Idunn said: I'm not saying words of blame to Loki, in Ægir's hall I quietened Bragi, made talkative with beer; and all living things love him.

powers and agree to avoid each other and Daryl until the situation has quietened down.


quiesce; still; hush; hush up; shut up; silence; pipe down; quiet down; quiet; change intensity;


irritate; abstain; disagree; war; louden;

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