<< quoted quotes >>

quoter Meaning in Bengali

quoter's Usage Examples:

hostile witness, which inadvertently substantiate a point beneficial to the quoter in the course of its own narrative.

For example, using a custom quasi-quoter for regular expressions could look like this: digitsFollowedByLetters =.

two or three days before by car to Bukalo (Subia Tribal Authority Head-quoter)or Katima Mulilo.

Garner to comment, "all the quoter (or overzealous editor) demonstrated was ignorance of British usage".

htm Archived 23 July 2008 at the Wayback Machine – unknown quoter Lloyd's Register (1817), Seq.

inform the President of the issue because he was "the most frequent Wilson-quoter on the writing staff.

footnote numbers) into a text places additional difficulties in the way of the quoter.

"multiplying in suspiciously direct correlation to their utility" to the quoter of the hadith (Traditionists quoted hadith warning against listening to.

messages to represent each stage in the negotiation between a market maker (quoter) and a potential buyer or seller (requestor).

the central characters, Lady Smatter – an absent-minded but inveterate quoter of poetry, perhaps meant as a comic rendering of a Bluestocking.

” According to Monro, based on Ludwich, Plato is the most prolific quoter of Homer, with 209 lines.

03%) Only mass ratio) Denote in percents) (not in ppm or ppb) (What the quoter believes to be) data from Clarke'Washington(1924) Another peculiarity in.

He is also a story-teller, poet-quoter, myth-maker, punster, ironic etymologizer, and intellectually scrupulous.



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