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racketed Meaning in Bengali

উদযাপন সশব্দে প্রায়ই মদ্যপান লিপ্ত; কোলাহলময় উত্সবের নিয়োজিত

racketed's Usage Examples:

is often said that motmots pluck the barbs off their tail to create the racketed shape, this is not true; the barbs are weakly attached and fall off due.

racketed tail of the turquoise-browed motmot Eumomota superciliosa is formed.

By then the gang had incorporated some of the racketed businesspeople and become interested in investment and fuel trading effectively.

racketed's Meaning':

celebrate noisily often indulging in drinking; engage in uproarious festivities




disorganise; bore;

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