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rakish Meaning in Bengali

 অসচ্চরিত্র, লম্পটস্বভাব, লম্পট্যপূর্ণ, নটবরসুলভ, চালিয়াত, উচ্ছন্নে যাওয়া লোকের মতো,


লম্পট্যপূর্ণ, লম্পটস্বভাব, অসচ্চরিত্র,

rakish শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

আদালতের বিচারকার্যে আইনজীবী তাকে "নৈতিকভাবে অসচ্চরিত্র" বলে উল্লেখ করে ।

সাধাসিধে কনস্টেবল ফ্রোথ - বোকা ভদ্রলোক অ্যাবহর্সন - জল্লাদ বার্নার্ডিন - অসচ্চরিত্র জেলার বিচারক - এস্কালুসের বন্ধু ভ্যারিয়াস (নির্বাক চরিত্র) - ডিউকের বন্ধু ।

ভেনেসীয় সেনেটর ও ডেসডিমোনার পিতা (ব্রাবানজিও নামেও পরিচিত) রোডারিগো – অসচ্চরিত্র ভেনেসীয়, ডেসডিমোনাকে প্রণয়প্রার্থী ভেনিসের ডিউক গ্র্যাটিয়ানো – ব্রাবানশিওর ।

rakish's Usage Examples:

However, only the degree of wit brings the rakish gentleman, the Truewit, closer to the satiric norm, whereas Falsewits are.

1639, Self Portrait, Leaning on a Stone Wall (B21), looking rather more rakish.

revolves around a very shy, "effeminate" banker who acquires a second, rakish and flirtatious personality after receiving a blow on the head.

A virtuous wife reforms her rakish husband.

The hero and most popular character, the rakish Sir Harry Wildair was revived for a sequel Sir Harry Wildair in 1701.

unexceptional cowhand/drifter Dave Blassingame, and features John Dehner as rakish Burgundy Smith, who appeared in three episodes.

Hayton's trademark was a captain's hat, which he always wore at a rakish angle.

Jack Pickford plays the title role, a wealthy, rakish young man who falls for a gold-digger.

Its rakish title character, Lord Glenarvon, is an unflattering depiction of her ex-lover.

His rakish sexual life and his lack of principle at the time of his cousin Anne Boleyn's.

composer whose considerable talent brought him international fame and his rakish habits notoriety, but nowadays is little known.

Camry Solara was designed with a greater emphasis on sportiness, with more rakish styling, and uprated suspension and engine tuning intended to provide a.

It is slimmer and more rakish than the pallid swift, and is darker than that species and lacks the obvious.

Her peace and quiet is one day disturbed by the rakish Lord Damerel, who arrives to spend time at his ancestral home next to the.

He was described as tall and thin, with light hair, a rakish look, and a small moustache.


unconventional; raffish; devil-may-care;


unpopular; styleless; depressing; conventional;

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