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reabsorbed Meaning in Bengali

reabsorbed's Usage Examples:

it is processed by the epithelial cells lining the tubule: water is reabsorbed and substances are exchanged (some are added, others are removed); first.

ions are reabsorbed by the gradient time system, water is also reabsorbed maintaining the osmolarity of the fluid in the PCT.

Substances reabsorbed in the.

of the secreted bilirubinoid bile is reabsorbed by the small intestine, conjugated bilirubin is not reabsorbed in small intestine.

members of the Legislative Assembly to be reduced from 125 to 90, and was reabsorbed into the district of Balmain.

Substances are reabsorbed from the tubule into the peritubular capillaries.

members of the Legislative Assembly to be reduced from 125 to 90 and was reabsorbed into the district of Balmain.

sacs between tissues where it may coagulate and solidify before blood is reabsorbed into blood vessels.

Examples of substances reabsorbed are solute-free water, sodium, bicarbonate, glucose, and amino acids.

In respiratory alkalosis, less bicarbonate (HCO3−) is reabsorbed, thus lowering the pH.

Ions and minerals that need to be saved in the body are reabsorbed into the peritubular capillaries through active transport, secondary active.

In most other mammals, the endometrium is reabsorbed in the estrous cycle.

Metolazone indirectly decreases the amount of water reabsorbed into the bloodstream by the kidney, so that blood volume decreases and.

extract sodium, potassium, and chloride from the urine so that they can be reabsorbed into the blood.

They are normal residual tissue not completely reabsorbed by the body during the development and growth of the tongue.

proximal and distal convoluted tubules non-ionised acids and weak bases are reabsorbed both actively and passively.

It is regulated by antidiuretic hormone, which controls the amount reabsorbed in the collecting duct system and secreted into the loop of Henle.

If glucose is not reabsorbed by the kidney, it appears in the urine, in a condition known as glycosuria.

also needed to render non-polar compounds polar so that they are not reabsorbed in renal tubules and are excreted.

Others who had been regarded as the Yeke were reabsorbed into the Wasanga ethnic group.

About half of the urobilinogen formed is reabsorbed and taken up via the portal vein to the liver, enters circulation and.


absorb; resorb;


emit; bore;

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