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readapt Meaning in Bengali

readapt's Usage Examples:

The museum was built by Pope Pius IX, who in 1865 had to readapt a fifteenth-century building used as a store to create a city museum.

to the bats' survival include storms, hunting, and their struggles to readapt to new habitats.

Tertiary prevention to readapt and stabilize and protect reconstitution or return to wellness following.

As a consequence, Saubade was advised to readapt through the Stade Français' Espoirs (Juniors) team for a time, to gain.

He was unable to readapt to Western society and chose to return to the Comanche Nation.

He managed also to readapt with success some works of such great early 17th century writers as Felix.

was returned to his grandfather and was able to readapt to white society, but Parker was unable to readapt and ran away from his family to return to the.

Only in the 1980s was a decision taken to readapt the vehicle-size FOA pattern, which had been designed to avoid detection.

the evaluation of the International Scout Aid left Paris to assess and readapt the plan of action designed to the needs of the situation.

Zehmer was involved in helping preserve and readapt Linden Row on West Franklin Street and downtown Richmond's National Theater.

that can be used in every aspect of people’s lives, without any need to readapt them based on the situation.

opponents per map, allowing for optimal timing to build up strategic plans and readapt them to the circumstances of each turn.

The protocol involves a physical manipulation of the patient intended to readapt the vestibulo-ocular reflex.

Maria returned to Europe to readapt his musical career and once again moved to Germany.

practice among bronziers selling pieces to each other and even to copy or readapt others' designs.

of Friday Night Lights, met with Howard and Brian Grazer to ask them to readapt the film on television, which they accepted though they were reluctant.

Paul struggled to readapt to mining life, and volunteered for the Marines in 1940.

listeners, let the confidence of this record remind you that Bury Tomorrow can readapt for bigger audiences without forgetting the ten years that took them up.

So I had to redesign it and readapt all the functions of the suit for front opening.


adapt; adjust; conform;


stay; skew; blur; desynchronise;

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