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reafforestation Meaning in Bengali



অরণ্যায়ন, বনীকরণ,

reafforestation শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

যথেষ্ট বৃক্ষরোপন বা অরণ্যায়ন না করে বৃক্ষছেদন বা অরণ্যবিনাশের ফলে বাসস্থানের ক্ষতি, জৈব বিন্যাসের ক্ষতি ।

reafforestation's Usage Examples:

In the first case, the process is called reforestation, or reafforestation while the second is called afforestation.

It is a source of wood (including firewood), a pioneer reafforestation taxa, and an ethnomedicinal plant.

such as grasslands and Mediterranean scrub, and may be threatened by reafforestation and vegetation succession.

naturally in that land or portion, for the purpose of using it for reafforestation.

The JNF's reafforestation programme privileges pine over indigenous species, and, according to.

Along with this was the reafforestation of Hammer Wood (which had been turned into commercial coppice after.

drought tolerance, the tree is sometimes planted as a pioneer species in reafforestation projects in its native habitat.

It is drought tolerant and has been successfully planted in reafforestation programmes.

mandates for local land development, economic and community planning and reafforestation and for the overall implementation of the project.

efforts, carried on with the support of local cooperatives, work towards reafforestation activities.

Land management issues including clearance of native vegetation, reafforestation of once-cleared areas, control of exotic weeds and pests, expansion.

Climate change can be mitigated by sequestering carbon in reafforestation schemes, plantations and timber products.

were examples of human ecology and sustainability: community-based reafforestation in India, urban market gardens for women in Sierra Leone, reconstruction.

his 1949 paper the many successes flowing from the awards, including reafforestation and the invention of mechanical devices.

The island is allocated for reafforestation.

(1664); the best known of his books; a plea for reafforestation aimed at landowners ; A Parallel of the Antient Architecture with the.

Spearheaded by ICONA, much reafforestation was done by planting pines, a non-indigenous species, on formerly bare.

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