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reappoint Meaning in Bengali

 পুনর্নিওয়াগ করা


বিনিয়োগ করা, সাক্ষাত্কারের বন্দোবস্ত করা, ঠিক করা, বরণ করা, অভিষেক করা, ভর্তি করা, সাজসরঁজামে ভূষিত করা, কর্মে নিযুক্তি করা, বিধান দেত্তয়া, নির্দিষ্ট করা, ধার্য করা, চাকরিতে বহাল করা,

reappoint শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

'সেনা চিকিৎসা শাখা' (আর্মি মেডিকেল কোর, এএমসি) তে নারীদের সৈনিক হিসেবে ভর্তি করা হবে ।

ছাত্র নথিভুক্ত করা বন্ধ করা হলেও বর্তমানে ২০১০-১১ শিক্ষাবর্ষ থেকে পুনরায় ভর্তি করা হচ্ছে ।

reappoint's Usage Examples:

In 2020 the club will reappoint their long standing president who will install a new club CEO to take.

The Secretary-General Kofi Annan was requested to reappoint five experts to monitor the implementation of the sanctions over a period.

Jean Charest did not reappoint her to cabinet in 2007, and Yolande James succeeded her to become the.

President James Monroe did not reappoint Rector.

White was angry that Moscone had refused to reappoint him to his seat on the Board of Supervisors, from which he had just resigned.

Order of the British Empire for services to the community The decision to reappoint Goodwin for another three-year term as Queen's Representative was made.

The Security Council this morning decided to reappoint the Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda.

The government had to reappoint Senkumar as the State Police Chief again on 5 May 2017 .

Johnson was acquitted, and Johnson attempted to reappoint him as attorney general, but the U.

April 1835 but, by that point city council had already chosen not to reappoint him.

the 1948 general election, the new Fine Gael Taoiseach was unlikely to reappoint him, and he was elected to the 6th Seanad on the Cultural and Educational.

The Court declined to reappoint him on September 15, 2014, naming Herbert Slatery as his successor.

term of office was theoretically three years, though it was common to reappoint incumbents.

One of his earliest acts as President was to reappoint Laisenia Qarase, who had been chosen by the Military in July, as Prime.

The following day, the convention reinstated the court but did not reappoint Martin or his five colleagues.

In 2014, Governor Patrick chose not to reappoint Jacques, which she alleged was in retaliation for the gender discrimination.

false pretenses, and Prime Minister Qarase announced his decision to reappoint Raj to the Cabinet.

participate regularly at meetings is vested with the power to appoint, reappoint, and remove members of the IESG, IAB, IASA, and the IAOC.

management style as chief executive in 1999, and Wintringham chose not to reappoint Rankin to the role in 2001.

sufficiently unpopular that after statehood, the Florida Legislature did not reappoint him to the Bench.

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