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rebukes Meaning in Bengali

 তীব্র তিরস্কার, তাড়ন, গালি, অধিক্ষেপ,


বলা, কড়কান, গালাগালি দেত্তয়া, থুড়া, তাড়ন করা, তীব্র তিরস্কার করা, ডাঁটা,

rebukes শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

ফলে তাতে তড়িৎ পরিবহনের রোধ একেবারে শুন্য হয়ে যাওয়া এবং তড়িৎচুম্বকীয় তাড়ন সৃষ্টি হওয়ার অবস্থাকে বোঝায় ।

প্রতীকের নিচের দিকে রয়েছে গমের ডাঁটা

২০ থেকে ২৫ দিন৷ ফুলদানি সাজানোর জন্য লম্বা ডাঁটাসহ এবং মালা গাঁখার জন্য ডাঁটা ছাড়া ফুল তোলা হয় ।

’ চ) তাড়ন ও মহাপ্রাণ-ঘোষ ধ্বনিহীনতা: এই ভাষায় মহাপ্রাণ-ঘোষ ধ্বনিগুলো যেমন: ঘ, ঝ, ।

উচ্চারক একটি উচ্চারণস্থানে দ্রুতভাবে সংকুচিত হয় সেগুলোকে তাড়িত বা তাড়নজাত ব্যঞ্জনধ্বনি বলা হয় ।

rebukes's Usage Examples:

1) Mandodari rebukes Ravana on his boisterous claims of valour by hinting that his claim of.

' In later, less reliable versions, the snake rebukes the wolf for the animals that it has snatched, making it a fable of the.

actively support LGBT members, which they consider biblical in light of other rebukes in the New Testament that Christians might gloss over, such as wealth,.

This chapter contains rebukes against "a variety of false prophets", Ezekiel 13:1-16, and false prophetesses.

April 2 – James I rebukes a deputation from the Catholic opposition in the Parliament of Ireland.

Originally, the Iglesia ni Cristo debates and rebukes claims made by fellow Philippine religious organization Ang Dating Daan.

From the 1770s private rebukes were increasingly administered by the kirk session, particularly for men.

udget-briefing-descends-into-insults-rebukes/ Public Protector's budget briefing descends into insults ' rebukes http://www.

This drew strong rebukes from Jewish groups within South Africa.

Rhiannon characteristically rebukes him for not considering this course before, then explains she has sought.

" The King successfully rebukes this, as all soldiers are responsible for their own souls.

Penelope mentions the Taphian sea-robbers when she rebukes the chief of her suitors, and it is disguised as Mentes, "lord of the Taphian.

Seraphina angrily rebukes him for never having bothered with being a ruler before and interfering.

He eventually rebukes society and sets out to protect sharks from people.

He served as a canon in Osimo but respectful rebukes of his bishop's inappropriate conduct led him to leave for a hermitage.

In the 111 verses of this notice, Guru Gobind Singh ji rebukes Aurangzeb for his weaknesses as a human being and for excesses as a leader.

Skarga, a chief figure of the Counter Reformation in Poland, where he rebukes the Polish elite for neglecting the national interest.

In the poem, Christina rebukes Prince Charles Edward Stuart, saying that the loss of her husband in fighting.

Hepburn in particular drew sharp rebukes in the newspapers, many of which were penned by the same critics who loved.


lambast; criticize; chastise; knock; brush down; pick apart; chew up; jaw; castigate; trounce; dress down; berate; rag; bawl out; correct; criticise; scold; have words; objurgate; tell off; lambaste; chasten; reprimand; reproof; chide; take to task; call down; call on the carpet; remonstrate; lecture; chew out;


pressurise; pressurize; depressurize; desynchronize; praise;

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