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recapturing Meaning in Bengali


প্রতিগ্রহণ করা,

recapturing's Usage Examples:

The opponent has the unpalatable choice of recapturing or saving the undefended piece.

ISIL counter-attacked several hours later, and recapturing the post.

October, after US airstrikes, Kurdish Peshmerga troops succeeded in recapturing the city, after an unsuccessful attempt to hold it in September.

retired professional football players have been noted to be content while recapturing their former heroics on this computer game.

In 1642, he was tasked with recapturing the fort of Azov (in modern Russia) from the Cossacks, but failed.

Casaglia, seven miles northwest of Ferrara, and resulted in the Austrians recapturing the village from Murat.

He was best known for recapturing previously held Assyrian territory and restoring Assyria to its natural.

(ISIL) in the Eastern Homs Governorate in January 2017, with the goal of recapturing Palmyra and its surrounding countryside.

Phương had risen quickly in military ranks after recapturing Hà Tiên and defeating the Siamese army at Châu Đốc.

The next day, the government forces moved to retake the villages, recapturing two of them from the rebels.

The operation succeeded in recapturing the Demyansk salient but failed to encircle the German forces.

The first succeeded in recapturing a section of their previous position before being driven back.

the top of the ticket, nobody expected Republicans to come close to recapturing the majority.

by Lynyrd Skynyrd, released in 1999 as a part of the modern effort at recapturing the classics and repackaging them for newer generations to be exposed.

operation launched in June 2016 by the Syrian Army with the stated goal of recapturing Raqqa, the capital of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.

Cronin, which dramatizes the ruin that befalls a Scottish hatter set on recapturing his imagined lost nobility.

The Pope's intention was that, after recapturing Otranto, the crusaders would cross the Adriatic and liberate Vlorë (Valona).


experience; feel;


unhitch; detach; get off;

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