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recognisers Meaning in Bengali

recognisers's Usage Examples:

Super recognisers are able to memorise and recall thousands of faces, often having seen.

his work on prosopagnosia, an inability to recognize faces, and super recognisers, people with significantly better-than-average face recognition ability.

Next year he was one of the "recognisers" of the Constitutions of Clarendon.

dialogue systems that are robust against noise introduced by noisy speech recognisers, as well as adapt and scale on-line in interaction with real users.

Super recognisers The Glasgow face matching test.

Neural processing for individual categories of objects Super recognisers "Face-specific brain area responds to faces even in people born blind".

prosopagnosia researcher Prosopamnesia Recognition of human individuals Super recognisers Temporal lobe epilepsy Thatcher effect prosopagnosia.

(website) Smart camera Smart city Sousveillance (inverse surveillance) Super recognisers Surveillance Telescreen The Convention on Modern Liberty TV Network Protocol.

These modifications were shown to increase the number of self-recognisers.

recognition, analogy and case-based reasoning Retinal scan SenseTime Super recognisers Template matching Three-dimensional face recognition Vein matching Gait.

The Metropolitan Police used two super recognisers to identify the suspects after trawling through up to 5,000 hours of.

with photos or videos taken at the gig to come forward so that "super recognisers" could scan the images.

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