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reconcile Meaning in Bengali

 বন্ধুত্ব পুনঃস্থাপিত করা, সামঞ্জর্স করা


খাপ খাত্তয়ান, একমত করা, পুনরায় মিলনসাধন করা, পুনর্মিলিত করা, মিলনসাধন করা,

reconcile শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

যাইহোক, একে উত্তর আমেরিকান রেকর্ডের সঙ্গে পুনর্মিলিত করা কঠিন ।

পুনর্মিলিত করা যায় না এমন পর্যায়কালগুলোর জন্য প্র‌তি‌টি গ্রহের অনুভূমিক প‌রিমাপক ।

ডলার খরচ করে এবং জড়িত অনেক পর্যায় যেমনঃ বাড়ি ভেঙে ফেলা, পরিবহন, এবং পুনর্মিলিত করা

reconcile's Usage Examples:

Homoiousianism arose as an attempt to reconcile two opposite teachings, homoousianism and homoianism.

Pluralist school was a school of pre-Socratic philosophers who attempted to reconcile Parmenides' rejection of change with the apparently changing world of.

His supporters were then able to reconcile partially with the Patriot Whigs to form a new government, and the Tories.

opposed Justinian's efforts to condemn the "Three Chapters" in order to reconcile theological factions within the Church, but later adopted Justinian's.

often used in contrast with center-left green parties, that attempt to reconcile their environmental goals with a capitalistic framework, and, rarely,.

Chaos ensues when his ex-wife, Lisa, returns to reconcile with him.

Farge about the struggles of the Navajo in Southwestern United States to reconcile their culture with that of the United States.

ecclesiastical and political affairs, and above all to ideas hard or impossible to reconcile with the dogma of the Church or the maxims of the prevailing theology".

Christian philosophy emerged with the aim of reconcile science and faith, starting from natural rational explanations with the.

existed in a number of historical empires, it is considered difficult to reconcile with 20th- or 21st-century concepts of international law, in which sovereignty.

a single day, during which he struggles to maintain his career and to reconcile with his ex-wife and son whom he alienated with his pathological lying.

NewSQL systems attempt to reconcile the conflicts.

positions of Unionism in Northern Ireland but, for various reasons, could not reconcile to themselves to the Ulster Unionist Party or other groups.

gold, silver and bronze medals respectively as part of its attempt to reconcile early Olympic Games with the modern award scheme.

forgeries, while others have been subjected to tampering in order to reconcile them with the erroneous king lists of chroniclers, baffled by blanks,.

Because of these similarities, efforts have been made to reconcile the events and characters, but some scholars have pointed out differences.

appearance by Chop-Chop, although his age at that point seems impossible to reconcile with his later career as Blackhawk's sidekick.

embedded set of chapters in the text, which philosophically attempts to reconcile Bhakti in god Rama and Shaktism with Advaita Vedanta, over 65 chapters.


correct; set; harmonise; harmonize; adjust; key;


discontinue; lose; enable; deny; derestrict;

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