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reconverted Meaning in Bengali


অনাময, পুন:প্রাপ্ত, চাঙ্গা, উদ্ধৃত,

reconverted শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

আরও যে প্রকারের উদ্ধৃত করে তা হল খারওয়া, কাকরি এবং তারিমুকি (ঘিসাডি) ।

১৮৩১ সালে ফ্রান্সের উপনিবেশের অংশে পরিণত হবার পর শহরটির অর্থনীতি আবার চাঙ্গা হয়ে ওঠে ।

কয়েক বছর পরে রেলপথ বাস্তবায়নের দাবি চাঙ্গা হতে থাকে ।

বিদ্যালয়গুলোতে মতাদর্শগত ও ধর্মীয় চরমপন্থাকে চাঙ্গা করার প্রচেষ্টার আশংকায় বেসরকারি ও জাতীয় বিদ্যালয়গুলোতে সরকারিভাবে অনুমোদিত ।

কুমোরটুলির প্রতিমা শিল্প, তাঁত শিল্প, চিরুনি বা পিতলের জিনিস তৈরির মতো উদ্যোগকে চাঙ্গা করতেও এগিয়ে এসেছে ইউবিআই ।

তখন মক্কার ক্বাবা ঘরকে কেন্দ্র করে আরবদের অর্থনীতি চাঙ্গা হতে থাকে ।

reconverted's Usage Examples:

headquarters for the American Heart Association until 1978 when it was reconverted to residential use with a new penthouse.

converted to Islam, then reconverted to Hinduism.

Harilal Mohandas Gandhi Son of Mahatma Gandhi; converted to Islam and later reconverted to Hinduism.

Former municipal wineteca reconverted in "Cultural Center Iñaki Azkuna Zentroa".

the host fell onto the tablecloth in the shape of a cross and he was reconverted.

glider configuration briefly during 1946 for evaluation, but was quickly reconverted to powered configuration.

The area is now the site of Kowloon Park, where four reconverted barrack blocks and parts of the former Kowloon West II Battery remain.

Jalaluddin was reconverted to Hinduism by the Golden Cow ritual.

In 1943, Clemson reconverted to a destroyer and served in the Battle of the Atlantic during World.

Several of such mosques in the areas of former Muslim rule have since been reconverted or become museums, such as the Parthenon in Greece, and numerous mosques.

Gropa family were thought to be Catholics, but in the 14th century they reconverted to Orthodoxy because of the political relations with Archbishopric of.

Formerly an important industrial site, it has successfully reconverted into business services and is now home to major communication companies.

Latest was incorporated 6 ex-RAF Supermarine Seafire reconverted as three seats executive transport and was commenced to flight to Toluca.

Kent, when the king's successor abandoned Christianity; he eventually reconverted.

These vibrations are transmitted along the medium and then reconverted back to sound.

In 2014–2015, under new ownership, the building was reconverted into a mixed-use property, with a compact shopping area covering the.

The warship was reconverted to a minesweeper and was sunk in January 1945 when it departed from the.

At the end of the war, Amastra was reconverted to an oil tanker, and in 1951 was renamed Idas.

After the war, MV Rapana was reconverted and returned to merchant service as an oil tanker and served in that.

After the war, the battalion was reconverted to standard line infantry as the 1st King's Regiment (Liverpool).

At the end of the war, Ancylus was reconverted to an oil tanker, being renamed Imbricaria in 1952.




stay; decode;

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