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reduced Meaning in Bengali

 হ্রাসপ্রাপ্ত, সংকুচিত, পরিণত, সঙ্কুচিত, কৃশ, খর্ব, ছাঁটা, সংক্ষিপ্ত, হ্রস্বীকৃত, হ্রস্ব, কমান, রোগা,


কমান, হ্রস্ব, হ্রস্বীকৃত, সংক্ষিপ্ত, ছাঁটা, খর্ব, কৃশ, সঙ্কুচিত, পরিণত, সংকুচিত, হ্রাসপ্রাপ্ত,

reduced শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

ব্রিটিশ পার্লামেন্ট ক্রমশ কোম্পানির একচেটিয়া অধিকার খর্ব করতে শুরু করে ।

হ্রাসপ্রাপ্ত, অনুপস্থিত বা অকার্যকর ফাইব্রিন রোগীদের হিমোফিলিয়াকে পরিণত করতে পারে ।

অন্যতম লক্ষ্য ভারতকে একটি আঞ্চলিক শক্তিতে পরিণত করা এবং আন্তর্জাতিক ক্ষেত্রে গণপ্রজাতন্ত্রী চীনের কৌশলগত প্রভাব খর্ব করা ।

মহাকর্ষের প্রভাবে কেন্দ্রটি সঙ্কুচিত হতে থাকে ।

ভিটামিন বি১ সমৃদ্ধ খাবারগুলো হলো ঢেঁকি ছাঁটা চাল,মটর, শিম,যকৃৎ, বৃক্ক,হৃৎপিন্ড ইত্যাদি ।

এই সংকোচনের ফলে পর্যাপ্ত পরিমাণে তাপমাত্রা বৃদ্ধি পায় যা হিলিয়াম সংযোজনের সংক্ষিপ্ত পর্যায়টি শুরু করতে যথেষ্ট ।

reduced's Usage Examples:

ℏ = h 2 π {\displaystyle \hbar ={\frac {h}{2\pi }}} , now known as the reduced Planck constant, as the quantum of angular momentum.

the chemical species to which the electron is added is said to have been reduced.

A reduced instruction set computer, or RISC (/rɪsk/), is a computer with a small, highly optimized set of instructions, rather than the more specialized.

level of the existing UEFA Europa League competition, which is due to be reduced from 48 to 32 teams in the group stage.

teams in the group stage are reduced from 48 to 32 teams, and the number of teams participating in qualifying are also reduced significantly.

and the theory of map projections: Geocentric latitude Parametric (or reduced) latitude Rectifying latitude Authalic latitude Conformal latitude Isometric.

Types of pasteurized milk include full cream, reduced fat, skim milk, calcium enriched, flavored, and UHT.

Reese, Everett and Craun reduced the dividends in the Try column from 285, 420, 532 to 5, 2, 7 and changed.

reduced density matrix of ρ on subsystem A.

Colloquially, we "trace out" system B to obtain the reduced density matrix on A.

For example, the reduced.

the speed of light in a vacuum, c, the gravitational constant, G, the reduced Planck constant, ħ, the Boltzmann constant, kB.

The two types of left ventricular heart failure – heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF), and heart failure with preserved ejection fraction.

Glutathione exists in reduced (GSH) and oxidized (GSSG) states.

The ratio of reduced glutathione to oxidized glutathione within cells.

NAD exists in two forms: an oxidized and reduced form, abbreviated as NAD+ and NADH (H for hydrogen) respectively.

relationship problems or stress are believed to be possible causes of reduced sexual desire in women.

5%, 1% or 0% (reduced rates) Taxation in Andorra  Angola 30% 0% 17% 10% Taxation in Angola  Anguilla.

as shifted to the intermediate frequency) from a greatly reduced "pilot" carrier (in reduced-carrier transmission or DSB-RC) to use in the demodulation.

dissolved oxygen (DO; molecular oxygen dissolved in the water) becomes reduced in concentration to a point where it becomes detrimental to aquatic organisms.

the population needs to have been reduced by at least 90% If not, then the population needs to have been reduced by at least 80% B: Reduction Across.

or in a more complex inertial trajectory of free fall (such as within a reduced gravity aircraft or inside a space station), all experience weightlessness.

proposed such as IRST (infrared search and track) systems to detect even reduced heat emissions, long wavelength radars to counter stealth shaping and RAM.


faded; slashed; decreased; diminished; remittent; ablated; small; shriveled; shrivelled; minimized; cut; belittled; bated; attenuate; attenuated; shrunken; weakened;


strong; undamaged; undiluted; unimpaired; increased;

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