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reflexively Meaning in Bengali



reflexively's Usage Examples:

that an object (such as an insect) is near the eye (which then closes reflexively).

Infant swimming is the phenomenon of human babies and toddlers reflexively moving themselves through water and changing their rate of respiration and.

particular way on a particular occasion based on that person's tendency to reflexively respond to a particular situation in a particular way.

When any object is placed in an infant's palm, the fingers flex reflexively around the object.

orbicularis oculi muscle via the facial nerve, causing the muscle to reflexively contract, yielding blinking.

provides a rapid negative feedback loop in which an elevated blood pressure reflexively causes the heart rate to decrease and also causes blood pressure to decrease.

practitioners, • Allowing practitioners to view the video recorded material and reflexively discuss their practice, • Transforming practice through practitioner.

referred to as "burning" and is the temperature at which someone would reflexively withdraw one's hand from the source of heat.

As in reflexive responses to pain, the body sometimes reacts reflexively with an ideomotor effect to ideas alone without the person consciously.

An increase in arterial blood pressure reflexively elicits an increase in vagal neuronal activity to the heart (i.

At birth, a baby will reflexively suck any object placed in its mouth; this is the sucking reflex responsible.

Physiology, in 1956 to refer to the way in which joint movement can reflexively cause muscle activation or inhibition.

Praxis potential means the members' potential to reflexively work on their respective mentalities; participant here refers not just.

It is highly, and self-reflexively, allusive to quests for the Holy Grail, especially to Edmund Spenser's.

they will only knead a soft or pliant surface, although some cats will reflexively "march" on hard surfaces instead of kneading them.

which inform everyday actions, by examining practice reflectively and reflexively.

A quiet but complicated killer, Freeman reflexively sheds tears after every killing as a sign of regret.

the "Thin" now grovels before the "Fat" without any practical need, "reflexively".

"elements of communication, rather than being fixed in advance, are reflexively constituted within the act of communication itself".

earphones, and the pathological condition of echolalia in which people reflexively repeat overheard words.

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