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reliefs Meaning in Bengali

 উপশম, মুক্তি, সান্ত্বনা উপশম, মোচনা, নিবৃত্তি, বিপন্কালে প্রাপ্টি িসাহায়্য, দরিদ্রগণের সাহায়্য, বৈষম্য, উপরিতল হইতে অভিক্ষিপ্তাবস্থা, কারূশিল্প, পরিত্রাণ, অব্যাহতি,


অব্যাহতি, পরিত্রাণ, কারূশিল্প, উপরিতল হইতে অভিক্ষিপ্তাবস্থা, বৈষম্য, দরিদ্রগণের সাহায়্য, বিপন্কালে প্রাপ্টি িসাহায়্য, নিবৃত্তি, সান্ত্বনা উপশম, মুক্তি, উপশম,

reliefs's Usage Examples:

just added to or raised up from the background, and monumental bronze reliefs are made by casting.

Persepolis, in Fars Province, Iran, with a group of ancient Iranian rock reliefs cut into the cliff, from both the Achaemenid and Sassanid periods.

and which is located not far from the Behistun reliefs at Sarpol-e Zahab, is very similar to the reliefs at Behistun.

Rock reliefs are a prominent aspect of Hittite art, and these are generally regarded.

The palace walls were lined with reliefs carved in alabaster.

These reliefs bore elaborate carvings, many portraying the king surrounded.

walls and decorations carved as bas-reliefs.

The walls of andesite was then carved with exquisite narrative bas-reliefs, which can be observed in many temples.

The Lachish reliefs are a set of Assyrian palace reliefs narrating the story of the Assyrian victory over the kingdom of Judah during the siege of Lachish.

Borobudur has one of the largest and most complete ensembles of Buddhist reliefs in the world.

Veyselli rock reliefs are a series of four rock reliefs in Erdemli district of Mersin Province, Turkey.

The reliefs are in the rural area between the.

Lion Hunt of Ashurbanipal is shown on a famous group of Assyrian palace reliefs from the North Palace of Nineveh that are now displayed in room 10a of.

use of the agal and keffiyah is dated through antiquities including bas-reliefs and statues going back to ancient times.

rock reliefs of Iran.

These reliefs are thought to have influenced the later Achaemenid Behistun reliefs, about.

Some of these reliefs exploit the rock's natural properties to define an image.

Rock reliefs have been made in many cultures, especially.

Garden" or "Arch made by stone" is a site with a series of large rock reliefs from the era of the Sassanid Empire of Persia (Iran), carved around the.

dedicated to Constantine, much of the sculptural decoration consists of reliefs and statues removed from earlier triumphal monuments dedicated to Trajan.

more or less well preserved reliefs of the Lullubi kingdom, as well as a Parthian relief.

The most famous of these reliefs is the Anubanini rock relief.

Serra Durugönül, who investigated the Cilician rock reliefs in the 1980s, thought this was a candelabrum, that is a cult object, to.

use them to define an image, but they do not amount to man-made reliefs.

Rock reliefs have been made in many cultures throughout human history, and were.

These reliefs are among the first known examples of Jain sculpture.

The centaurs appearing in the Mathura reliefs, as in other places such.

vast production of "fine wares" in terra sigillata were decorated with reliefs that reflected the latest taste, and provided a large group in society.


alleviation; assuagement; comfort;


univalent; multivalent; unequivocal; straighten;

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