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relocatable Meaning in Bengali

relocatable's Usage Examples:

independently developed by Bruce Van Natta of IMS Associates to produce relocatable PL/M code.

Microsoft MACRO-80 (often shortened to M80) is a relocatable macro assembler for Intel 8080 and Zilog Z80 microcomputer systems.

as SQZ) is a memory-efficient representation of a combined source and relocatable object program file with a symbol table on punched cards which was introduced.

The object code is usually relocatable, and not usually directly executable.

A adcons normally store a four byte relocatable address, however it is possible to specify the length of the constant.

Boat trailer to carry small boats Semi-trailer truck Mobile home, a relocatable housing unit with wheels and hitch Portable classroom, a temporary classroom.

In addition, fixed installation and relocatable urinals are available for use by girls and women.

Two relocatable classrooms were move away in 2009.

A portable classroom (also known as a demountable or relocatable classroom, portables), is a type of portable building installed at a school to temporarily.

History in Ontario has shown that many of these relocatable/portable classrooms will in fact be on site at the school for 15 to 20.

The intermediate code was similar to relocatable binary, but had to be punched onto paper tape.

It is typically performed during deserialization or loading of a relocatable object from a disk file, such as an executable file or pointer-based.

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