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removing Meaning in Bengali

 নাশন, নির্মোচন,




প্রতিসারণ হত্তয়া, সরাইয়া রাখা, নিষ্কাশন করা, নিরসন করা, নাশ করা, ক্ষালন করা, মিটান, খতম করা, অপসারিত করা, অপসরণ হত্তয়া, অপসরণ করা, স্থানচু্যত করা, সরা, টুটান, ঘুচান, ভঙ্গ করা, বিদায় করা, দূরীভূত করা, উদ্ধৃত করা, উত্পাটন করা, উঠান, বহিষ্কার করা, বাসা বদলান, চলিয়া যাত্তয়া, বদল করা, স্থানান্তরিত করা, সরাইয়া লত্তয়া, অপসারণ করা, সরান,

removing's Usage Examples:

dismemberment, while removing or damaging a part of the face would be mutilation; and removing a whole torso would be dismemberment, while removing or damaging.

Sansad Bhavan in New Delhi, on matters relating to creation of new laws, removing or improving the existing laws that affect all citizens of India.

Western countries, especially with a cosmetic application (particularly for removing/shaping eyebrows).

covering of a sticky substance, such as wax, to adhere to body hair, and then removing this covering and pulling out the hair from the follicle.

Because of the free-guard rule, which prevents leads from removing most of an opponents stones, leads are usually proficient at throwing guards.

reform means "to change into an improved form or condition, by amending or removing faults or abuses".

By removing aircraft with lower capacities and slower speeds, an airport is able to.

"through", and λύσις, lysis, "loosening or splitting") is the process of removing excess water, solutes, and toxins from the blood in people whose kidneys.

superseded or is no longer considered efficient or safe, without completely removing it or prohibiting its use.

of access); for example, editing rights may permit changing, adding, or removing material.

and Twitter, to "commit suicide in social networks", by automatically "removing their private content and friend relationships" (but without deleting or.

distinguished: Autologuous, removing blood plasma, treating it in some way, and returning it to the same person, as a therapy.

Exchange, removing blood plasma and.

It is achieved by first removing physical impurities (for example, urine) from the body, and then removing ritual impurity by means of wudu (usually).

is an exonuclease ribonuclease, which are enzymes that degrade RNA by removing terminal nucleotides from either the 5' end or the 3' end of the RNA molecule.

by people making depressions or shallow incisions in the desert floor, removing pebbles and leaving differently colored dirt exposed.

anything on the motherboard required completely removing it.

That included removing the reset button, removing a screw, disconnecting several cables, then.

hydrolysis adds water to break down, whereas condensation builds up by removing water.

The option of removing hibernation data may not be ideal for some users as this may remove the hibernate option.

Aside from removing unnecessary files.

It is used in food preparation for removing the bones of poultry, meat, and fish.


get out; decarburize; pick; head; brush; condense; turn over; delve; clean; unburden; chip away at; wash away; tip; bale out; undress; burl; decorticate; unpack; take away; wipe away; detoxify; leach; scale; dislodge; extract; decarburise; tear off; throw away; unsaddle; bone; unveil; pit; detusk; carry off; husk; muck; cast off; spoon; bear off; lade; empty; decalcify; divest; flick; descale; drive out; withdraw; desorb; degas; take off; throw; hypophysectomise; free; exenterate; de-iodinate; take up; scavenge; ablate; shed; draw off; ladle; skim off; shuck; cut into; wear off; take out; enucleate; pull off; eviscerate; epilate; string; draw out; cream; debone; cast; seed; depilate; tusk; scoop up; cream off; delete; defuse; bail out; de-ionate; hull; drop; throw off; draw; harvest; tear away; demineralize; lift out; wear away; pull; clear out; wipe off; scoop; clear; wash; chip away; delouse; excavate; scoop out; weed; decarbonise; clear away; detoxicate; shake off; expectorate; winnow; cancel; decarbonize; stem; burr; wash off; unhinge; carry away; bail; dredge; ream; hypophysectomize; amputate; take; stone; eliminate; bur; suck out; demineralise; dig; knock out; resect; laden; unstring; disembowel; defang; lift; extirpate; hollow; shell; draw away; crumb; clear off; cut off; carve out; discharge; clear up; disinvest; decoke; wash out; scalp; undock; pull up; pull out; circumcise; offsaddle; bear away; gut; strip; dismantle; dehorn; aspirate; skim; disburden;


string; iodinate; pack; calcify; ionate; charge; dock; burden; lodge; saddle; fuse;

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