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reproducibly Meaning in Bengali

reproducibly's Usage Examples:

Because the dentist wants to be able to reproducibly relate the patient's maxilla and mandible, but the patient does not have.

Colapinto, of the University of Toronto, in 1982, but did not become reproducibly successful until the development of endovascular stents in 1985.

remanent states, and can be reproducibly switched between states by the application of mechanical stress.

cause a minimal amount of trauma to assay in the organism, and should be reproducibly measurable during a short interval compared to the lifespan of the organism.

It is designed with enough flexibility to be capable of reproducibly simulating normal operation and a variety of faulty and hazardous conditions.

allow the creation of a workflow that is portable and thus may be run reproducibly in different computational environments.

format provide similar ability to differentiate reproducibly between candidates.

Ability to reproducibly differentiate between candidates, also known as.

than 90% of the packages in the repository have been proven to build reproducibly.

other investigators, and the activator of Sir2 resveratrol does not reproducibly increase lifespan in either species.

shown that insulin independence and improved metabolic control can be reproducibly obtained after transplantation of cadaveric donor islets into patients.

Studies have shown that single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) reproducibly associated with complex disorders as well as certain pharmacologic phenotypes.

whether the data was collected or considered appropriately, ethically, and reproducibly, and whether the data discussed supports the conclusion offered and the.

"Packaging data analytical work reproducibly using R (and friends)".

To reproducibly self-assemble a complex circuit based on single molecules.

able to dispel the stigma of 'pathological science' by rigorously and reproducibly demonstrating effects sufficiently large to exclude the possibility of.

Aticaprant has been shown to reproducibly penetrate the blood–brain barrier.

devotional practice was reproducibly associated with activation in nucleus accumbens, ventromedial prefrontal.

"Giftedness and evidence for reproducibly superior performance" (PDF).

Metastable polymorphs are not always reproducibly obtained, leading to cases of "disappearing polymorphs".

that the arrhythmia of patients with ventricular tachycardia could also reproducibly be initiated and terminated by timed premature stimuli.

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