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restated Meaning in Bengali

 পুনর্নিবেদন করা,


পুনর্নিবেদন করা,

restated's Usage Examples:

assertion, is an informal fallacy in which a proposition is repeatedly restated regardless of contradiction and refutation.

The Supreme Court was unable to undo its creation, and simply restated that creating new municipalities in the same fashion is deemed unconstitutional.

It set the maximum number of electors at 120 and restated in a more formal context the rule he had already instituted that cardinals.

Lords Ordinary required to be Lord Ordinary in Exchequer Causes, this was restated by the Court of Session Act 1988.

shares 1997 (restated) 0240 million 75.

55 1998 (restated) 0312 million.

The Scheme was restated after the war, in 1944, and extended throughout the 1950s to include schools.

Prior period 2001 results were restated on this basis.

languide carezze" ("Oh, sweet kisses and languorous caresses"), and also restated in forte in the closing bars of the opera, as Tosca jumps from the ramparts.

Walker recanted his hypothesis in 1985, but restated and elaborated on it (in essence 'de-recanting') in a monograph published.

It has also been restated as "All cows have the same color".

statements for 2004, and the first and third quarter of 2005, should be restated, because expenses related to the incentive-based deferred compensation.

The definition of Artinian rings may be restated by interchanging the descending chain condition with an equivalent notion:.

Sheriffs were seldom appointed, and further acts of 1649 and 1661 restated its separation from Inverness.

The bull restated and developed certain aspects of Catholic Church teaching on baptising.

unique index, the directly and indirectly related data are also recast or restated.

piece modulates to E major (also C-sharp minor) and lyrical sections are restated with a slightly more complicated accompaniment.


dwell; repeat; summarise; reiterate; ditto; retell; perseverate; cite; sum up; iterate; paraphrase; quote; translate; harp; render; resume; reword; summarize; ingeminate; interpret; tell; rephrase;


stay; discontinue; spiritualize; literalize; associate;

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