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retorts Meaning in Bengali

 বকযন্ত্র, চতুর উত্তর, পরবাদ, পাতনযন্ত্র, কদুত্তর, প্রতিশোধ, চোপা,


কদুত্তর, পাতনযন্ত্র, পরবাদ, চতুর উত্তর, বকযন্ত্র,


চতুর উত্তর দেত্তয়া, প্রতিক্ষেপণ করা,

retorts's Usage Examples:

are often referred to as retorts, meaning "canning retorts", for sterilization under high temperature (116–130 °C).

Most of production facilities are Fushun-type retorts.

Such statements can either be free standing or created as retorts to the opposition's talking points and are frequently used in public relations.

The crucial decision to build retorts and a refinery at Joadja and not to depend on railing all ore to Sydney.

opening(s) at top of the neck of some glass flasks such as round-bottom flasks, retorts, or sometimes volumetric flasks, there are outer (or female) tapered (conical).

Jesus retorts by saying that there will always be poverty in the world and that they.

integrated into a process, for example in reactive separations vessels, retorts, certain fuel cells, and photocatalytic surfaces.

became apparent for efficiency in refilling retorts – and it was apparent that filling one-ended vertical retorts was easy; removing the coke and residues.

and NTU retorts of Lithgow Oil Proprietary Ltd, at Marangaroo, near Lithgow.

Despite expert opinion and the apparent success of NTU retorts at Marangaroo.

debarked, dried, and cut to uniform length to fit into iron retorts with cast iron doors.

The retorts were carefully packed to leave as little air space as.

production was ceased, but 100 Fushun-type oil shale retorts were restored in 1949.

In 1950, total 266 retorts were in operation, each with the capacity of 100–200 tons.

Vertical retorts create mainly semi-coke.

Zhìyóu), operating Fushun-type retorts.

After World War II, shale oil production ceased, but 100 Fushun-type oil shale retorts and the related shale oil processing.

It built 14 experimental oil shale processing retorts in Kohtla-Järve.

These vertical retorts used the method developed by Julius Pintsch AG that.

operating two Galoter-type 3000 tonnes per day retorts, was commissioned in Estonia in 1980.

These retorts were designed by AtomEnergoProject and developed.

It was manufactured by decomposing mineral oils in retorts by heat and compressing the resulting naphtha until it liquefied.

horizontal retorts.

In Silesia, Johann Ruhberg built a furnace to distill zinc in 1799, at first using pots but later changing to flat-bottomed retorts called.

[citation needed] His attacks on the existing social customs prompted jocund retorts from Catherine the Great, who even set her own journal called Vsyakaya.

Vertical retorts are usually shaft kilns where a bed of shale moves from top to bottom by gravity.

Horizontal retorts are usually horizontal.

However, Þorsteinn retorts with a more technically proficient verse which 'caps' that of the cairn-dweller.


return; reply; riposte; rejoin; come back; repay; respond; answer;


take; outgo; clear; stay in place; volley;

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