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reversibility Meaning in Bengali

 উলটাকরণ, পশ্চাদ্দিকে প্রেরণ, পশ্চাদ্দিকে গমন, দ্বিমুখিতা, প্রতিবর্তনীয়তা,


পশ্চাদ্দিকে গমন, পশ্চাদ্দিকে প্রেরণ, উলটাকরণ,

reversibility শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

হার (প্রথম বছর) যথাযথ ব্যবহার ৫% প্রচলিত ব্যবহার ২১% ব্যবহার দ্বিমুখিতা/প্রতিবর্তনীয়তা তাৎক্ষণিক ব্যবহারকারীর স্মর্তব্য অসতর্কভাবে ব্যবহারের পূর্বে ব্যবহারকারী ।

reversibility's Usage Examples:

changes responds much faster than the applied change, the deviation from reversibility may be negligible.

In physics, the laws of motion of classical mechanics exhibit time reversibility, as long as the operator π reverses the conjugate momenta of all the.

Loschmidt's paradox, also known as the reversibility paradox, irreversibility paradox or Umkehreinwand, is the objection that it should not be possible.

closely related types of reversibility that are of particular interest for this purpose: physical reversibility and logical reversibility.

The recent discovery of the reversibility of many reactions catalyzed by inverting glycosyltransferases served.

A few distinct reversibility scenarios emerge here with respect to the nature of the surface.

Quasireversibility differs from reversibility in that a stronger condition is imposed on arrival rates and a weaker.

Sometimes, to assess the reversibility of a particular condition, a bronchodilator is administered before performing.

Reversibility can refer to: Time reversibility, a property of some mathematical or physical processes and systems for which time-reversed dynamics are.

The principle of microscopic reversibility in physics and chemistry is twofold: First, it states that the microscopic detailed dynamics of particles and.

Sometimes, to assess the reversibility of a particular condition, a bronchodilator is administered to counteract.

statistical mechanics as a consequence of the time reversibility of microscopic dynamics (microscopic reversibility).

are all time-reversible, however experimentally, probability of real reversibility is low, former presuppositions can be fulfilled and/or former state.

"Aspects of reversibility in transferred paintings".

from which pastes can be made: characteristics, such as strength and reversibility, vary with the plant species; manufacturer's processing; and the recipe.

distinct conditions in terms of disease onset, frequency of symptoms and reversibility of airway obstruction.

changes are irreversible, and many physical changes are reversible, but reversibility is not a certain criterion for classification.

In stage two, the reversibility threshold for the cell is passed and the cell becomes committed to cell.


changeability; changeableness;


unchangeable; irreversibility; changelessness;

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