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revolutionise Meaning in Bengali

 আমূল পরিবর্তন সাধন করা, বৈপ্লবিক করে তোলা, বৈপ্লবিক নীতি প্রয়োগ করা,


বৈপ্লবিক করে তোলা, আমূল পরিবর্তন সাধন করা,

revolutionise's Usage Examples:

Clarke in the 1940s as a way to revolutionise telecommunications, and the first satellite to be placed in this kind.

was an engineer and racing car designer whose innovations helped to revolutionise car design in the 1950s and 1960s.

The initial promise of cybernetics was that it would revolutionise the mathematical biologies (a blanket term that includes some kinds.

Throughout his mathematical career, he was eager to revolutionise mathematics.

NATM/SEM is generally thought to have helped revolutionise the modern tunneling industry.

com/article/serbia-s-new-chinese-hq-22-missile-system-to-revolutionise-air-defence-capabilities https://www.

The phalanx was to revolutionise warfare.

"Oman Professional League to revolutionise football in Oman".

He moved to London at the end of the war and aimed to revolutionise British art education.

It has the potential to revolutionise astrophysical spectroscopy and discover other Earth-like planets outside.

That Act will revolutionise Disclosure in Scotland, increasing citizen freedoms and especially the.

GeoModeller has started to revolutionise the working practices, data standards and products of a geological survey.

28 September – Intermediate Education Act passed: this will revolutionise Irish society, as it provides education to talented and hard-working.

be defined by white supremacy, and an unfettered call to action to revolutionise the narrative around the black experience in our day-to-day lives.

However military technologies developed during the war would revolutionise postwar aviation.

of Radical Help: how we can remake the relationships between us and revolutionise the Welfare State.

Tom Mordley tells her the drug will revolutionise medical science, but Cyberon has plans of its own.

"Smart meters will revolutionise how we pay for energy".

Amongst the many things he did to revolutionise the institution was to hold Nandan Mela.

He is known for his contribution to revolutionise banana crop production in the Jalgaon district, which has highest productivity.


alter; overturn; modify; change; revolutionize;


detransitivize; dissimilate; tune; decrease; stiffen;

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