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ricocheted Meaning in Bengali

 সবেগে ঠিকরাইয়া ত্তঠা,


সবেগে ঠিকরাইয়া ত্তঠা, ছিনিমিনি,


সবেগে ঠিকরাইয়া ত্তঠা,

ricocheted শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

বাংলাদেশ নৌবাহিনীর জাহাজের তালিকা "ছিনিমিনি খেলতে দেয়া হবে না:প্রধানমন্ত্রী" ।

হতভাগা/ভাগি ছারখার হওয়া ধ্বংস হওয়া ছিঁচকাঁদুনে অল্পতেই কান্নাকাটি করা ছিনিমিনি খেলা অর্থের চুড়ান্ত অপচয়; ইচ্ছামত ব্যবহার ছিনে জোঁক নাছোড়বান্দা ছিকলিকাটা ।

হস্তক্ষেপে শাস্ত্রীয় "হিলা বিয়ে"কে ভুল পথে চালিত করে নারীদের ইজ্জত নিয়ে ছিনিমিনি খেলা হয়, যা চরম অবমাণনাকর এবং ভ্রান্তিমূলক ।

দিয়ে দেশের ঐক্য ও সংহতির ওপর আঘাত হানা এবং ১২ কোটি মানুষের ভাগ্য নিয়ে ছিনিমিনি খেলার অভিযোগ তোলেন ও বলেন যে এই অপরাধের শাস্তি তাকে (শেখ মুজিবকে) পেতেই ।

মুখরিত হয়ে উঠেছে আকাশ-বাতাস; একদিকে যুদ্ধের জুয়াখেলায় কাগজিমুদ্রার ছিনিমিনি, অন্যদিকে চোরাকারবার আর কালোবাজারের নারকীয় অনাচারে পর্যুদস্ত দিনযাত্রা; ।

ricocheted's Usage Examples:

The roughened abrasions and asymmetrical jacket damage were caused when this recovered bullet ricocheted from a hard, granular surface.

round Grobbelaar, but the ball was blocked on the line by Alan Hansen and ricocheted straight at the shins of Grobbelaar and back into the net.

The shot ricocheted off the concrete deck of the pier and struck the victim, who was about.

as Martin ran to first, Pete Richert's throw hit him on the hand and ricocheted away, the error allowing Gaspar to score the winning run.

crooner Russ Columbo, when an antique pistol discharged and the bullet ricocheted into Columbo's skull.

puts on the body after each interval, "My calves were so tight each step ricocheted through my body.

officer were initially dropped without trial as a judge ruled that the ricocheted bullet was fired in self-defense, but the incident became a point of public.

Liang fired his weapon; the shot ricocheted off a wall and fatally struck Gurley in the chest.

his hair turned green, and a macabre smile created on his face due to a ricocheted bullet off Batman's armour and in part from unsuccessful plastic surgery.

Guermah, one round of bullets was fired in the waiting room, two bullets ricocheted off the floor and the third landed at the feet of another constable close.

22 Long Rifle bullet that ricocheted off the side of the presidential limousine and hit him in the left underarm.

during the Battle of Las Guasimas, a bullet entered his right thigh, ricocheted through his abdomen and exited out his left thigh.

ricocheted off the goal post and preserved the gold medal for Canada.

The Atlantic Ocean rolled westward and ricocheted off the eastern coast of the New World, creating the tides.

Barry walked into the hallway after hearing a commotion and was hit by a ricocheted shotgun pellet, which lodged just above his heart.

1999, when he was shot in the head by an unknown assailant; the bullet ricocheted off his skull.

On August 15, 2010 the sniper fired a shot that ricocheted off a tank, and hit but did not penetrate the kevlar helmet of U.

The bullet ricocheted off the ship's deck, struck one of the guns, ricocheted off the deck again, and struck Cabaniss, killing.

passed through the base protective fence, landed in an open area and ricocheted upwards, exploding against the opposite fence.

The ball ricocheted off the left upright, broke the vertical plane of the crossbar, and bounced.


kick; rebound; reverberate; recoil; kick back; jump; resile; take a hop; bound off; skip; spring; leap; bounce; bound; carom;


accept; stay in place; unsworn; unconstipated; untreated;

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