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ripely Meaning in Bengali

ripely's Usage Examples:

Secondly, however, it needs to have the ripely resonant lower range typically associated with the bass voice.

small orchestra is lighthearted, even frivolous, and Escales (1922) is a ripely romantic work for large orchestra.

The engraver’s markings on the manuscript suggest that this ripely romantic outpouring was at one stage intended for publication, but the self-critical.

"sardonic perfection", and added that the "picture perks up beautifully in the ripely-detailed homestretch".

The underworld gags are limited and repetitive, without the ripely promiscuous media-age lunacy that, in a comedy like The Naked Gun, made.

Jeannette Catsoulis of The New York Times called it "a restrained, ripely atmospheric thriller that relies more on mood than on special effects".

young Stones in all their insolent glory presiding over this uneven but ripely nostalgic show"; although "rumor had it that the Stones.

These two Artemisias don't really fit together, but they make for a ripely sensuous portrait of the artist as a saucy but virtuous siren.

Plainly, "One Minute to Zero" is a ripely synthetic affair, arranged to arouse emotions with the most easy and obvious.

the while knowing they would, that Scola wouldn't have taken on such a ripely melodramatic story unless he was convinced that he could make it plausible.

review by stating that "Show Me" is the kind of instantly inviting and ripely sexual hit that could make Jessica a break-out star in her own right.

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