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roadblocks Meaning in Bengali




roadblocks's Usage Examples:

During protests and riots, both police and demonstrators sometimes use roadblocks.

Police also use hastily set up roadblocks to check cars and car trunks when they are pursuing an armed and dangerous.

equipped with improvised battering rams on the front to break through roadblocks.

During early 1977 it set up roadblocks in parts of County Londonderry, County Armagh and County Tyrone and also.

gates; 18 bridgeblocks on the German border, and five roadblocks on the French border.

The roadblocks were set up a mile inland in a zigzag pattern, covered.

using drug-sniffing dogs at roadblocks.

Previous Supreme Court decisions had given the police power to create roadblocks for the purposes of border security.

checkpoints and 140 roadblocks had been removed in order to ease security restrictions in the West Bank.

An additional 140 roadblocks were said to have.

included the control of entire neighborhoods in Milan, with the presence of roadblocks controlled by the gang's members in which policemen were robbed and mocked.

He said the task force was extorting money at roadblocks and detaining people illegally, and said the government would crack down.

Malaysian police refused to grant a permit for the rally, and set up roadblocks in Klang Valley along roads leading up to the rally to screen motorists.

In return, the Serbs removed most of the roadblocks they had created.

The deployment of widespread police roadblocks issuing fines for minor or non-existent infringements has had a negative.

27 people were killed in a triple suicide car bomb explosion, that hit roadblocks manned by loyalist forces in Aden, the largest city in southern Yemen.

Also, there are chances of roadblocks due to heavy rainfall in late July and August.

Wounded Knee for an open meeting and "within hours police had set up roadblocks, cordoned off the area and began arresting people leaving town.

set in during the month June which herald the menace of landslides and roadblocks.

250-400 fighters entered Grozny on August 21, established their own roadblocks, and simultaneously attacked a number of polling places and other targets.

Police failed to reach the town on time, due to mobs who "set up roadblocks and fired shots at the reinforcements sent in from Salahutu sub-district.

However, Victoria's abrupt marriage and his advanced age proved roadblocks and the film was never made.


barrier; ideological barrier; obstruction; language barrier; obstacle;



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