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roused Meaning in Bengali

 প্রজ্বালিত, উদ্রি্ত,


উদ্রি্ত, প্রজ্বালিত,

roused শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

প্রজ্বালিত অগ্নির ন্যায় তিনি নিজ সৌন্দর্যে দীপ্ত হতেন ।

প্রজাপতির ডানাকে প্রজ্বালিত হতে বা পাপিয়াকে গাইতে দিও না " ।

শ্মশানক্ষেত্রের নিকটে বসবাসকারী ডোমের হাত থেকে অগ্নি সংগ্রহ করে চিতা প্রজ্বালিত করতে হয় ।

সর্বোচ্চ পদক্ষেপের উপর সঞ্চরণশীল পুরোহিতগণ সদাজাগ্রত অবস্থায় যজ্ঞাগ্নি প্রজ্বালিত করেন ।

বিতাড়িত এবং শাহজালাল (র) সালাম পাঠায়, তখন শাহজালাল (র) একটি বাক্সে প্রজ্বালিত অঙ্গারের সঙ্গে কিছু তুলা পাঠান, যা ছিল একটি আধ্যাত্মিক নিদর্শন ।

roused's Usage Examples:

He is reported to have roused the countryside to resist pagan invasion forces.

They exhorted the people, which roused them from their lethargy, and induced them to take advantage of a change.

Those whose fears were roused by her keening left the glen and escaped the fate of those who remained.

At long last local feeling was roused and attempts were made to raise £2,000 to take over the club, its buildings.

Sandy's longing to be treated as an adult is roused even further when her older American cousin Butch Walker (John Wildman).

The citizens of Naples, roused by two orators, decided to resist.

Cadac-Andreas was an Irish scholar at the court of Charlemagne who roused the ire of Bishop Theodulphus for lengthy and pedantic approach to exegesis.

Once roused by Gandalf, however, he becomes an instrumental ally in the war against.

The victory at Dhi Qar roused confidence and enthusiasm among the Arabs seen as the beginning of a new.

Alexandria Eschate on the Jaxartes river, news came that Spitamenes had roused Sogdiana against him and was besieging the Macedonian garrison in Maracanda.

News of Philip's death roused many states into revolt including Thebes, Athens, Thessaly and the Thracian.

In the Táin Bó Cúailnge, after the Ulstermen have roused from their debility, he and Conchobar mac Nessa rescue eight captive Ulster.

Finally Conchobar is roused to action and gathers his army for battle.

"; "Let the nations be roused; Let the nations be aroused And come up to the Valley of Jehoshaphat, for.

warblers are known to engage in commensal feeding, wherein prey that has been roused or disturbed by the foraging or hunting of another animal is opportunistically.

This roused the Tiandihui to revolt in the city of Conghua, forty miles Northeast of.

The oration roused Irish republican feeling and was a significant element in the lead-up to.

Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus, were expressly exempted from sale, which roused the indignation of Marcus Tullius Cicero (De lege agraria, i.

shark is difficult to approach and seldom poses a danger to humans unless roused by food.

This game had roused great scorn amongst camping enthusiasts when it first began to make its.


bestir; move; be active;


tire; quieten; depersonalize; rest;

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