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salamander Meaning in Bengali

 স্যালামাণ্ডার, সরীসৃপতুল্য উভচর প্রাণিবিশেষ,


সরীসৃপতুল্য উভচর প্রাণিবিশেষ,

salamander শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

ঘড়ির কাঁটার গতিমুখ বরাবর একদম উপরে বাঁ দিক থেকে: ফায়ার স্যালামাণ্ডার, নোনাজলের কুমির, দক্ষিণ ক্যাসোয়ারি, Black-and-rufous Giant Elephant ।

প্রজাতির প্রাণী যেমন নীল ভেড়া, হিমালয়ের মোনাল, ধূসর ময়ূর, হিমালয়ের স্যালামাণ্ডার, তিব্বতীয় নেকড়ে, রক্ত রঙ্গীন পক্ষী ইত্যাদি প্রাণীর প্রজনন করা হয় ।

উভচর প্রাণীদের মধ্যে ব্যাঙ, স্যালামাণ্ডার, গোসাপ, ও সিসিলিয়ান (জিমনোফোনা), এবং সরিসৃপদের মধ্যে সাপ, গিরগিটি, ।

salamander's Usage Examples:

also known as the Mexican walking fish, is a neotenic salamander related to the tiger salamander.

A salamander (also salamander oven or salamander broiler) is a culinary grill characterized by very high.

their skin as a secondary respiratory surface and some small terrestrial salamanders and frogs lack lungs and rely entirely on their skin.

The salamander is an amphibian of the order Urodela which, as with many real creatures, often has been ascribed fantastic and sometimes occult qualities.

Plethodontidae, or lungless salamanders, are a family of salamanders.

Sharks portal The salamander shark or salamander catshark (Parmaturus pilosus) is a little known catshark that inhabits a range from Japan and the East.

The tiger salamander (Ambystoma tigrinum) is a species of mole salamander and one of the largest terrestrial salamanders in North America.

salamander or yellow-spotted salamander (Ambystoma maculatum) is a mole salamander common in eastern United States and Canada.

The spotted salamander.

The Chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus) is one of the largest salamanders and one of the largest amphibians in the world.

The salamander letter was a controversial document about the history of the Latter Day Saint movement that later proved to be a forgery.

The fire salamander (Salamandra salamandra) is a common species of salamander found in Europe.

The mole salamanders (genus Ambystoma) are a group of advanced salamanders endemic to North America.

The Cryptobranchidae are a family of fully aquatic salamanders commonly known as the giant salamanders.

These indigenous species include 30 frog and toad species and 43 salamander species.

Salamandridae is a family of salamanders consisting of true salamanders and newts.

Salamandrids are distinguished from other salamanders by the lack of rib or.


fire salamander; dicamptodon; hellbender; amphibian; mud puppy; lungless salamander; European fire salamander; Dicamptodon ensatus; congo eel; blind eel; amphiuma; Proteus anguinus; alpine salamander; dusky salamander; dicamptodontid; Salamandra maculosa; congo snake; Necturus maculosus; western red-backed salamander; Plethodon vehiculum; Cryptobranchus alleganiensis; web-toed salamander; worm salamander; plethodont; slender salamander; ambystomid; siren; Megalobatrachus maximus; eastern red-backed salamander; olympic salamander; spotted salamander; Salamandra atra; olm; Salamandra salamandra; Pacific giant salamander; Rhyacotriton olympicus; giant salamander; Plethodon cinereus; ambystomid salamander; triton; climbing salamander; newt;



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