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sandpipers Meaning in Bengali




sandpipers's Usage Examples:

They include many species called sandpipers, as well as those called by names such.

the soft cuticle in a series of cells; a similar adaptation is found in sandpipers; this adaptation give this portion of the surface of the premaxillaries.

course of spotted sandpipers' lives, becoming especially prevalent around the breeding season.

The overall health of spotted sandpipers may be suggested.

They are the typical "sandpipers", small to medium-sized, long-winged and relatively short-billed.

which is also given on migration, sometimes when no other buff-breasted sandpipers are present.

The pectoral sandpiper is sometimes separated with the "stint" sandpipers in Erolia.

Even though they are sandpipers, they prefer open country with tall grasses to coastal habitat.

It is somewhat unlike other sandpipers in appearance, which has led to the suggestion that it should be placed.

sandpiper is the type species, a close relationship with the small "stint" sandpipers would preclude the use of Erolia for the present species.

shank-tattler-phalarope clade and less closely related to the calidrid sandpipers.

This sandpiper bears some resemblance to the smaller calidrid sandpipers or "stints".

Adult wood sandpipers moult all their primary feathers between August and December, whilst immature.

Baird's sandpipers breed in the northern tundra from eastern Siberia to western Greenland.

In winter, Least sandpipers are grey above.

They are closely related to calidrid sandpipers and might be considered members of the tribe Calidriini.


yellowlegs; Tringa totanus; jacksnipe; least sandpiper; pectoral sandpiper; sanderling; dunlin; Calidris melanotos; greyback; Actitis hypoleucos; Tringa nebularia; Crocethia alba; Actitis macularia; family Scolopacidae; European sandpiper; redshank; stint; Calidris canutus; Erolia minutilla; shorebird; upland plover; greenshank; grayback; Erolia alpina; Bartramian sandpiper; curlew sandpiper; upland sandpiper; Philomachus pugnax; Scolopacidae; ruff; shore bird; Calidris Ferruginea; spotted sandpiper; knot; limicoline bird; Bartramia longicauda; tattler; red-backed sandpiper;


untie; smoothness; unravel; untwine; unknot;

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