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sardonically Meaning in Bengali

sardonically's Usage Examples:

The term is used sardonically in everyday language to describe attempts to read poor handwriting.

The play is a sardonically comic piece which touches on race, mental illness and 21st-century British.

During World War I, American soldiers sardonically referred to incoming German artillery shells as "G.

cryptanalysis, this is technically not a form of cryptanalysis; the term is used sardonically.

"We are performing animals," he used to say somewhat sardonically.

Originally an idealistic slogan, it is now mainly used sardonically, since that war's aftermath directly contributed to the outbreak of the.

accidentally rammed and sank one submarine as part of an incident that sardonically came to be known as the Battle of May Island.

high degree of humor (often directed against the questioner, sometimes sardonically), and at times carried out exhaustive research into obscure and arcane.

" He put a great deal of effort into writing the book, but sardonically commented that "geologists never read each other's works, and that the.

The term is also sardonically used among hardcore gamers in Japan to describe fans of the Xbox game.

The Reverse Underground Railroad is the name given, sardonically, to the pre-American Civil War practice of kidnapping in free states not only fugitive.

series of memorable blues about the unattractiveness of rural life, sardonically aimed at the black migrant workers in southern California who constituted.

music magazine NME published the following interview with Newman talking sardonically about his then new release: "There's one song about a child murderer.

The event, created sardonically by shitposter Matty Roberts on June 27, 2019, asked Facebook users to.

in the United States for their squandering of public money, its name sardonically purloined from the actual Order of the Golden Fleece, a prestigious chivalric.

This sardonically comic film that touches on race, mental illness, and 21st century British.

Despite their relatively minor commercial success (their third album was sardonically titled They Could Have Been Bigger than the Beatles), the Television.

in late 2005, a caller mentioned Scientology, to which Dickin replied sardonically: "Ah, yes.

In 2012 he published the sardonically titled How Not To Kill Your Baby.



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