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satirically Meaning in Bengali

satirically's Usage Examples:

However, Pope applied these qualities satirically to a seemingly petty egotistical elitist quarrel to prove his point wryly.

The list of honours became known satirically as the "Lavender List".

The British Party System (1944) is a "playlet" by George Bernard Shaw satirically analysing the origins of the party system in British politics in the.

regarded as racist and defending them as being performed ironically or satirically.

The speech satirically dealt with masturbation ("onanism") and the perceived bane it is on society.

when disagreements were to be set aside, but the poet Ovid observes satirically that this could be achieved only by excluding family members who caused.

His banqueters were portrayed satirically: overweight, aging, huge, jutting noses, and so on.

Bush was a culture jamming political street theater organization that satirically purported to support George W.

While they are portrayed satirically, they are imbued with sympathy as their relationship develops.

described it, the group's resemblance to the Beatles is "purely – and satirically – intentional".

It is satirically critical of 1990s right-wing political figures such as Pat Buchanan,.

Absurdistan is a term sometimes used to satirically describe a country in which absurdity is the norm, especially in its public authorities and government.

The third film in the series finds McDull and his friends satirically exploring different roles in society.

Mayberry Machiavelli is a satirically pejorative phrase coined by John J.

The film satirically interweaves the story of the real hospital with a fantasy hospital which.

The song satirically laments that the band had not appeared on the cover of the Rolling Stone.

(2006) follows a similar format to The Stupid Version, reviewing events satirically from a future perspective.

square miles/39 square kilometres) in absurd situations so as to comment satirically on contemporary politics and events.

decades since its release, most of the album's tracks have been used satirically, either on compilation albums meant to showcase bad celebrity singing.

In the song, Walsh satirically reflects on the antics and excess of the era's rock stars, with nods.

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