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scaremongering Meaning in Bengali

scaremongering's Usage Examples:

Fearmongering or scaremongering is a form of manipulation which causes fear by using exaggerated rumors of impending danger.

would result from a change to the existing political status quo–as scaremongering and pessimism.

accused the Health Concern campaigners of having gained support by scaremongering over the closure of Kidderminster Hospital, which he said had never.

Its warnings have been labeled "alarmist", "scaremongering" and "misleading".

The program has been accused of scaremongering by health care professionals, for claims such as cocaine withdrawal.

Johnson had recently attracted criticism for what it described as "scaremongering" and suggested he was likely to do so again because of the nature of.

"Dead Dog Walking"), another two-part arc focused on Peter becoming a scaremongering news anchor, which lands him a job as President Trump's press secretary.

party in Hartlepool, described coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic as "scaremongering".

David Nutt criticised the Foundation for "scaremongering".

Some sections of the media also accused the government of "scaremongering", although information was provided on topics other than terrorism.

Better Together was accused of "scaremongering" during the referendum campaign.

The purpose of this scaremongering is to "guide" potential voters into believing that voting for an option.

that the government is attempting to privatise the NHS are "ludicrous scaremongering".

to air skepticism and criticism of independence–what critics called "scaremongering"–rather than simply reiterate the benefits of remaining within the United.

after allegations that his conclusive bubonic plague diagnoses were scaremongering.

However, this has also been criticised as scaremongering,[citation needed] as the likelihood of terror attacks on public transport.

comments from the Opposition regarding the growing crisis were rebutted as scaremongering.

EU in order to cope with globalisation and accused the opposition of scaremongering.

severity of the pandemic, regarding it only as a case of bad cold and scaremongering by the media.

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