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scented wattle Meaning in Bengali


সুবাসিত কঞ্চি,

scented wattle's Usage Examples:

Acacia rostellifera, commonly known as summer-scented wattle or skunk tree, is a coastal tree or small tree in the family Fabaceae.

commonly known as scented wax wattle, waxy wattle, honey wattle or honey scented wattle, is a shrub belonging to the genus Acacia and the subgenus Phyllodineae.

(conesticks); Acacia terminalis (sunshine Wattle); Acacia suaveolens (sweet scented wattle); Acacia linifolia (flax-leafed wattle); Xanthorrhoea arborea (trunkless.

She-oak Allocasuarina distyla to 4 metres details Shrub species Sweet scented wattle Acacia suaveolens to 2.

woodlands around swampy areas, and acacia shrublands dominated by summer-scented wattle (Acacia rostellifera) and mulga (Acacia aneura) with Eremophila understory.


huisache; genus Acacia; cassie; sweet wattle; flame tree; acacia; sweet acacia; mimosa bush; Acacia farnesiana;


odorless; malodorous;

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