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scolder Meaning in Bengali

scolder's Usage Examples:

Coyote’s ceremonial name is Áłtsé hashké which means "first scolder".

particular thing that is odd or unusual; rum'un) scolder (collective noun for a lot of people) 'a fair scolder' shew (show, shown showed) shink (I should think.

"Japanese PM's scolder-in-chief breaks the mould for political wives".

Muffs explores the role of the biblical prophet, whom he describes as a scolder but also a defender of the people.

only to women since around 1300, is the noun scold (later replaced with scolder, as scold became a verb toward the late 14th century).


common scold; nagger; scold; nag; disagreeable person; harridan; unpleasant person;


praise; reassure; cheer;

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