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scoters Meaning in Bengali

উত্তর গোলার্ধের মেরু উত্তর বৃহৎ কালো ডাইভিং হাঁস

scoters's Usage Examples:

Surf scoters breed in Northern Canada and Alaska and winter along the Pacific and Atlantic.

This species can be distinguished from other scoters, apart from black scoter, by the lack of white anywhere on the drake and.

as oldsquaw), scoters, goldeneyes, mergansers, bufflehead and eiders, are also sometimes colloquially.

the sea ducks into two groups: Bucephala and the mergansers The eiders, scoters, Histrionicus, Clangula, and Camptorhynchus The position of the nutrient.

The scoters are stocky seaducks in the genus Melanitta.

are greater scaups, mainly velvet scooters, long-tailed ducks or common scoters and red-throated loons and black-throated loons.

Melanitta, distinct from the subgenus Oidemia, black scoter and common scoters.

west and is an important stopover for sea ducks, especially black scoters and surf scoters, during migration.

This species can be distinguished from other scoters, apart from common scoter, by the lack of white anywhere on the drake,.

subgenus Melanitta, distinct from the subgenus Oidemia, black and common scoters.

Adjacent waters serve as wintering habitat for brant, scoters, American black duck, and other waterfowl.

reserve also provides winter habitat for harlequin ducks, common eiders, scoters, and long-tailed ducks.

long-tailed ducks, king eiders, red-throated loons, Arctic terns, surf scoters, brant geese, and glaucous gulls.

There has been a decline of surf scoters, white-winged scoters, and black scoters.

This decrease of scoters is the largest decrease in biomass of.

Boetticher 1929 (Bronze-winged duck) Tribe Mergini Rafinesque 1815 (eiders, scoters, mergansers and other sea-ducks) Genus †Chendytes Miller 1925 Genus †Shiriyanetta.

(Somateria mollissima) King eider (Somateria spectabilis) Genus Melanitta, the scoters.

diver ducks such as bluebills (greater scaup), canvasback, goldeneye, scoters and eider to name a few.

classified as an IBA site, protecting Hudsonian godwits, red knots, black scoters, snow geese, and common eiders.

the region include rock ptarmigan, lesser scaup, northern pintail duck, scoters, sandhill crane and widgeons.

other waterfowl and shorebirds, including pintails, scaups, shovelers, scoters, wigeons, red-necked grebes, lesser yellowlegs, and Hudsonian godwits.

scoters's Meaning':

large black diving duck of northern parts of the northern hemisphere

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