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scrapers Meaning in Bengali

 চাঁছনি, চাঁচনি, চাঁচুনি, চাঁছুনি,


চাঁছুনি, চাঁচুনি, চাঁচনি, চাঁছনি,

scrapers শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

হয়: উপরের রিংগুলিতে শক্ত মুখ থাকে এবং গ্যাস আদান-প্রদান প্রতিরোধ করে; তেল চাঁছনি হিসাবে কাজ করতে নীচের রিংগুলিতে সরু প্রান্ত এবং একটি ইউ-আকারের প্রোফাইল ।

ঘটনাস্থলে প্রাপ্ত চাঁছনি, ছেদনী, ব্লেড এবং তীরের ফলা প্রভৃতি ধারালো সরঞ্জাম এবং মাছ প্রক্রিয়াজাতকরণে ।

প্রত্নতাত্ত্বিক এলাকায় খননকার্য চালিয়ে কিছু আদিম হাত-কুঠার এবং কয়েক ধরনের চাঁছনি ও ছিদ্র করবার যন্ত্র পাওয়া গেছে ।

প্রত্নতত্ত্ববিদরা বেশ কিছু সরঞ্জাম যেমন চকমকি পাথর এবং শিলার কুড়াল, ছুরি, চাঁচুনি পাওয়া যায় ।

অন্য জিনিসের মধ্যে তৈরী শাঁস, চাঁছনি, অস্ত্র ফলক, থাক, ত্রিধার সূচ্যগ্র বস্তু, ইত্যাদি অন্তর্ভুক্ত ।

scrapers's Usage Examples:

scrapers are unifacial tools thought to have been used for hideworking and woodworking.

Many lithic analysts maintain that the only true scrapers are.

Modern sources currently define skyscrapers as being at least 100 metres.

Web scrapers typically take something out of a page, to make use of it for another purpose.

blades were found along with heavy scrapers on flakes, massive cores, rabots, racloirs and a few smaller scrapers.

industry by Neanderthal culture, proceeded by small hand axes and side scrapers.

the only true scrapers are defined on the base of use-wear, and are usually worked at their distal ends—i.

, "end scrapers.

" Other scrapers include the.

Saaidé I, and recovered many tools and lithics including sickles, grinders, scrapers, chisels, awls and blades suggested to date to the PPNB or PPNA.

with another or with a spatula (thus scrapers are often called spatulas) for some of the various uses.

Bowl scrapers (also known as rubber feet) are, as.

including Google's webmaster forum, became filled with complaints of scrapers/copyright infringers getting better rankings than sites with original content.

they included trapezoidal axes, choppers, a variety of scrapers including advanced fan scrapers, segmented sickle blades with fine denticulation and some.

Several Heavy Neolithic flints including picks, scrapers, blades and flakes were found in fields that surround the tell mound.

The stone tool assemblage, of flint and chert, is dominated by side scrapers and Mousterian points, with no evidence of the Levallois technique.

Side Scraper) is an archaeological term for a ridged variety of steep-scrapers distinguished by a working edge on one side.

Card scrapers are most suitable for working with hardwoods, and can be used instead of.

The most plentiful types were large axes, adzes, picks, knives and scrapers.

A few sickle blades with fine denticulation along with some scrapers and an oval shaped arrowhead were found.

heavy equipment for earthmoving, namely dump trucks and wheel tractor-scrapers, that operated from the United States of America from the 1920s to the.

Three different engineering hand scrapers.


hand tool;

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