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search out Meaning in Bengali

 খুঁজে বার করা, খোঁজা, খুঁজিয়া বাহির করা, তত্ত্ব করা,

search out's Usage Examples:

The term ricercar means to search out, and many ricercars serve a preludial function to "search out" the key or mode of a following piece.

solely using filters, KidZui trained and enlisted parents and teachers to search out content that is appropriate for children even if it was not designed expressly.

Aspects of the show included "The Test Tube Babes" (two Brainiacs who search out "scientific truth"), the "CO2 challenge", where teams competed to propel.

contacts only O ( log ⁡ ( n ) ) {\displaystyle O(\log(n))} nodes during the search out of a total of n {\displaystyle n} nodes in the system.

The idea was to insert ground forces into hostile territory, search out the enemy, destroy them, and withdraw immediately afterward.

depending on the typical hallmarks of blockbusters, and that the public would search out what it wants to see.

The mission of the F3D was to search out and destroy enemy aircraft at night.

merciless, coarse, and barbarous; task is to control and punish, to search out rule breakers.

Mediterranean and the Baltic, who love to dwell on the Particular, and to search out the means, not the end, of life.

area map of Chicago, you will be disappointed, as you will be if you search out such legendary neighborhoods as Canaryville, Back of the Yards or Hamburg.

Ravage teams up with a sentient giant bat named Ferra to search out a legendary valley of animal-people.

It is best to search out a water test or purchase one yourself before making a habit of drinking.

widest possible range of string tone, to demand a perfect legato, and to search out highly unorthodox fingerings to match his conceptions of phrasing.

they leave their summer feeding sites in fields, forests, and yards and search out places to spend the winter.

Why? Because concerning all the sefirot, one can search out their reality from the depth of supernal wisdom.

and southern parts of the Iberian Peninsula; medium and smaller dogs search out deer or wild boar, whilst the larger hounds are used for attacking the.


full-scale; complete;


incomplete; fractional; incompleteness;

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