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secularise Meaning in Bengali

ধর্মনিরপেক্ষ করতে এবং একটি ধর্মীয় অভিযোজন কাছ থেকে সরিয়ে নিয়ে

secularise's Usage Examples:

and viewed as authoritarian by foreign observers, Reza Shah intended to secularise Iran and eliminate the influence of the Shi'a clergy upon the government.

After the Partition of Poland the Austrian administration decided to secularise the convent.

Monarchies attempting to centralise and secularise political power viewed the Jesuits as supranational, too strongly allied.

down within a general attack on religious life and a top-down attempt to secularise society.

Huxley and his fellow members of the X Club to secularise science by promoting scientific naturalism.

exacerbated in the early 1970s by attempts by the new Zairean government to secularise education.

abolished celibacy and vegetarianism for Buddhist monastics in an effort to secularise them and promote the newly created State Shinto.

seeking to allow legal humanist weddings, which succeeded in 2005, and to secularise state education.

the Archbishopric of Magdeburg and Halberstadt, after agreeing not to secularise them; these were transferred to Brandenburg-Prussia in 1648.

move "an 'anti-Islamic' conspiracy, alleging that these are a means to secularise madrasas and rob them of their Islamic identity"—though reformers generally.

Abdullah's efforts to secularise the Muslim Conference supported by Nehru.

O'Donoghue was an opponent of attempts to secularise the culture of Catholic schools in the Diocese of Lancaster.

échevins (municipal magistrates) of Marseille petitioned Pope Innocent X to secularise the monastery, because of the unsatisfactory behaviour of the monks.

The new ministry were committed to secularise the Clergy reserves in Canada West and to abolish seigneurial tenure in.

People were encouraged into atheism in an attempt to secularise Lithuania, with monasteries closed, religion classes prohibited and church-goers.

Proposals to secularise the school by renaming it 'Bloxham College' were rejected in 1911 and.

pride of the English clergy and their partisans, hinting at the intent to secularise the possessions of the Church.

This became clear through the attempt to secularise the Reformation with the concept of the "early bourgeois revolution" and.

secularise's Meaning':

make secular and draw away from a religious orientation


turn; secularize; change state;


curdle; nitrify; empty; die;

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