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sedge warbler Meaning in Bengali


শর গায়ক,

sedge warbler's Usage Examples:

The sedge warbler (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus) is an Old World warbler in the genus Acrocephalus.

3 in) long, slightly larger than the similar sedge warbler, Acrocephalus schoenobaenus.

There are wetland breeding birds such as water rail, mute swan, sedge warbler, kingfisher and tufted duck.

Of these, twenty-eight species are known to breed including sedge warbler (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus), reed warbler (Acrocephalus scirpaceus).

There are 45 bird species nesting on the islet annually, including sedge warbler (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus), Arctic tern (Sterna paradisaea) and whitethroat.

species, including lesser whitethroat, reed bunting, reed warbler and sedge warbler.

crested grebe, teal, mute swan, tufted duck, little grebe, reed warbler, sedge warbler, coot and moorhen.

It can be confused with juvenile sedge warbler, which may show a crown stripe, but the marking is stronger in this.

Birds commonly found on the mere include the reed warbler and sedge warbler, the great crested grebe and the little grebe, the sparrowhawk, and.

European perch and common rudd in the lake and breeding birds include sedge warbler, Eurasian reed warbler and common reed bunting, as well as coot, moorhen.

snipe, lapwing, short-eared owl, marsh harrier, hen harrier, bittern, sedge warbler, bluethroat and reed bunting are a few of the species of breeding bird.

Birds attracted to the dunes include grasshopper warbler, sedge warbler, European stonechat, meadow pipit and reed bunting.

Buchanan (1997) Song and sexual selection in the sedge warbler (Acrocephalus schoenobaenus) PhD thesis, Royal Holloway, University.

Typical wetland birds such as the water rail, reed warbler and sedge warbler also appear, and little egrets are common.

Breeding species include reed and sedge warbler and water rail.

Birds include mallard, coot, Eurasian reed warbler and sedge warbler.

The wet areas and ditches support reed warbler, sedge warbler, reed bunting and mallard.

rails), purple gallinule, marsh harrier, various warblers (reed warbler, sedge warbler etc.

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