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seduced Meaning in Bengali



সতীত্বহানি করা, চরিত্রভ্রষ্ট করা, ভুলাইয়া লত্তয়া, প্রলুব্ধ করা, ভ্রষ্ট করা, বিপথে চালিত করা, পটান,

seduced শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

অভ্যুত্থানের জাপানপন্থী কোরিয়ান নেতা কিম ওক-কিউনকে সাংহাইয়ের প্রতি প্রলুব্ধ করা হয়েছিল এবং সম্ভবত ইউয়ান শিকাইয়ের প্রতিনিধিরা তাকে হত্যা করেছিল ।

seduced's Usage Examples:

Eve herself was verbally seduced by the serpent, believed in Christianity to be Satan; later, Chapter 7.

She was seduced by Zeus and gave birth to Dardanus.

She was seduced by him in the form of an ant.

He was seduced by Penia (poverty) while drunk on more than his fill of nectar at Aphrodite's.

She is said to have seduced the three of them, and conceived Lugaid Riab nDerg.

or seduced by divinities.

Many portrayals of women being seduced by divinities.

Wolfgang von Goethe, in which the character of the mythic youth Ganymede is seduced by God (or Zeus) through the beauty of Spring.

This music seduced the women of the tribe and so the other men burned and buried his body.

In it, the speaker confronts the Dark Lady after learning that she has seduced the Fair Youth.

he was a boy born with the horns of a deer who became a seer and was seduced by royal courtesans, which led to the yajna (fire sacrifice) of King Dasharatha.

He found the first woman, Marikoriko, in a pond; she seduced him and he became the father of Hine-kau-ataata.


tempt; score; make; lure; entice;


stay in place; bottom out; lose; break even; dissuade;

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