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seeks Meaning in Bengali

 খোঁজা, সন্ধান করা, তল্লাশ করা, তালাস করা, অনুধাবন করা, পাইবার চেষ্টা করা, প্রার্থনা করা, চাত্তয়া, জিজ্ঞাসা করা, জানিতে চাত্তয়া, তাক করা, অবলম্বন করা, দরবার করা,


দরবার করা, অবলম্বন করা, তাক করা, জানিতে চাত্তয়া, জিজ্ঞাসা করা, চাত্তয়া, প্রার্থনা করা, পাইবার চেষ্টা করা, অনুধাবন করা, তালাস করা, তল্লাশ করা, সন্ধান করা,

seeks's Usage Examples:

anarchism from his 1840 book What Is Property?: "as man seeks justice in equality, so society seeks order in anarchy" (French: la société cherche l'ordre.

Farce is a comedy that seeks to entertain the audience through situations that are highly exaggerated, extravagant, ridiculous, absurd, and improbable.

Broadly speaking, a "politician" can be anyone who seeks to achieve political power in the government.

Lipstick feminism is a variety of third-wave feminism that seeks to embrace traditional concepts of femininity, including the sexual power of women, alongside.

movement that seeks to improve the religious, legal, and social status of women within Buddhism.

It is an aspect of feminist theology which seeks to advance.

The initiative seeks to mitigate the risks associated with the coronavirus pandemic in the South.

professional body, professional organization, or professional society) seeks to further a particular profession, the interests of individuals engaged.

, before their rating) and seeks to build esprit de corps throughout the Navy as a whole.

The youth rights movement (also known as youth liberation) seeks to grant the rights to young people that are traditionally reserved for adults, due to.

The Joint Biosecurity Centre (JBC) is a scientific body which seeks to advise United Kingdom government policy as part of the response to outbreaks of.

If rebellion generally seeks to evade and/or gain concessions from an oppressive power, a revolt seeks to overthrow and destroy that power.

It is an undeveloped wilderness park that seeks to preserve the habitat while offering fishing and nature appreciation opportunities.

Monday through Friday (except for legal holidays and holy days), which seeks to appeal to "people of faith and those interested in learning more about.

Industrial ecology seeks to quantify the material flows and document the industrial processes that.

More interactive and specific than a book or a lecture, a tutorial seeks to teach by example and supply the information to complete a certain task.

A minehunter is a naval vessel that seeks, detects, and destroys individual naval mines.

goals of the environmental movement, "a political and ethical movement that seeks to improve and protect the quality of the natural environment through changes.

Basic research seeks to add information to our current understanding of the nervous system, whereas applied research seeks to address a specific.

As a philosophy, secularism seeks to interpret life based on principles derived solely from the material world.

philosophy, the natural order is the moral source from which natural law seeks to derive its authority.


fight; take a chance; assay; gamble; pick up the gauntlet; try; take a dare; strive; put on the line; take chances; endeavour; move; risk; essay; adventure; chance; lay on the line; grope; give it a whirl; have a go; struggle; hazard; endeavor; run a risk; attempt; give it a try; act;


fall; advance; go; descend; refrain;

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