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segmentations Meaning in Bengali




segmentations শব্দের বাংলা অর্থ এর উদাহরণ:

আংশে: মাইক্রোফোন - অ্যানালগ থেকে ডিজিটালে রূপান্তর - স্পিচ কোডিং বা সেগমেন্টেশন - চ্যানেল কোডিং - ইন্টারলিভিং, চিপারিং এবং ব্রাস্ট ফরম্যাটিং - ট্রান্সমিটার ।

ভুল তথ্য তুলে ধরেছেন, ভুল ভ্রান্তি, ভ্রান্ত গ্লস, অপ্রয়োজনীয় মোরাফাল সেগমেন্টেশন, ভুল ভাষার প্রতি আতঙ্ক এবং পুরোপুরি কৌতূহল আকারের উদ্ধৃতি দিয়ে ।

ভিডিও সাইট থেকে ভিডিও ডাউনলোড ডাউনলোড প্রক্রিয়ার মাধ্যমে ডায়নামিক সেগমেন্টেশন প্রোটোকল: HTTP, FTP, HTTPS, MMS এবং মাইক্রোসফট ISA প্রমাণীকরণ প্রোটোকল: ।

segmentations's Usage Examples:

extended to work with fewer training images and to yield more precise segmentations.

For example, creating wrong word segmentations in a text will destabilize the reader.

A theory linking watershed to hierarchical segmentations has been developed in L.

mosque is dated to the 17th century according to its architectural segmentations.

From all sides the Yellow Share is separated by mountain-spurs, whose segmentations gradually slope down and vanish into the valleys of the rivers.

Interactive rotoscoping Medical image segmentation Merging multiple segmentations Mesh segmentation Mesh denoising Segmentation editing Shadow elimination.

The objectives can be narrowed down to segmentations such as: geographic, demographic, behavioral, psychographic, cultural.

Plugin): contains tools to register and orthorectificate images, run segmentations, linear mixture models, etc.

the optimal segmentation is the one that minimizes, over all possible segmentations, the coding length of the data.

The dendrogram corresponding to the segmentations in the figure above.

Traditionally (since the 1970s), all geodemographic segmentations and classifications were built in broadly the same way.

semi-Markov conditional random field (semi-CRF), which models variable-length segmentations of the label sequence Y {\displaystyle Y} .

This enables segmentations of the waveguide by applying a different cross section to each segment.

Some extremal edge effects can overwhelm the segmentations of surroundedness or size.

All historical trends for different segmentations and their standard of living may also be very helpful in developing.

Phase 1: Additional anatomical segmentations were introduced in the original TARO data.

often hierarchized by movements, parts, motives, measures, among other segmentations.

segmentations's Meaning':



partition; septation; sectionalisation; subdivision; division; zoning; sectionalization; partitioning; separation;


Phanerogamae; Cryptogamia; end; misconception; beginning;

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